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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 01, 2023


Sorry if it came across as dismissive as that wasn’t my intention, I think it’s a great looking little thing, just that it’s not an alternative to a “real” car. It’s in a different (legal) category, can be driven without a license and can only access secondary roads etc (I don’t live in France anymore and not super aware of what category L6e can and cannot do but for example it definitely can’t go on the highway).

If all you need is to grab your groceries etc from the next village, then yes it looks like it could do that. It does look like it’s legit but still in preorder phase. Realistically I think most people buying this either don’t really need a car or have more vehicles and are getting this for the fun factor.

That last one. If they have plates it should mean it’s technically road legal as far as I know, but in the same sense a dune buggy can be road legal but you couldn’t really use one as your daily driver.

Was very intrigued but this isn’t a serious alternative, they themselves refer to it as a toy multiple times on the website (even comes in it’s own giant toy box).

Sounds like you have all the qualifications, welcome aboard!

I think if they can do it without incurring copyright lawsuits, then yeah it’s probably a good marketing move.

External hire managers are the worst, they come in and have no idea how the company/product/department works (not their fault) so they tend to rely on sales-guru style tactics and rhetoric that just end up costing a bunch of time sucking each other off instead of, ya know, getting the job done.

Where are you from? Where I live (in the Netherlands) there’s an official tool from the public transport services which works just as well as gmaps to plan your train/tram/metro/bus journey.

Anyone remembers when Chrome was the hot new kid on the block and we all converted the “normies” to it because it was so much better than IE? We’re reaping what we sowed.

And don’t forget huge signatures with GIFs and all sorts of crap for your favourite forum.

I feel like we reached the stage where any improvements are really just incremental and small, you used to get a massively different experience when upgrading your phone even just a year later in the early days, nowadays you can barely tell the difference between new and 5 year old models.

When we get in that state of a technology, we should definitely be looking at how to make our devices last longer instead of renewing yearly / bi-yearly.

I mean, I want them to pay as much as possible, but 1% of their global revenue, for just a small country like Norway, still seems pretty decent.

And probably imitable, if not, soon enough.

If you’re really worried about the domain, getting your own is only like 10 bucks a year.