• 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 08, 2023


very solid advice, ill try this out, thank you

both of these are very solid advice lel

How to stop worrying about software privacy?
I honestly dont know if i should post it here or not, but here goes. Most people that are privacy aware (or foss aware, they go hand in hand at this point) commonly have "that one program" that they cant quite let go. Heres the thing, in my mind when i use such a service, my mind keeps nagging me that i COULD be using another program/service (this goes vice versa really) If you have ever been in such a situation, what did you do to keep that little gremlin in your head at bay,

i am aware, yet i have yet to see a single one actually stay stable and not crash than again, im not a crypto gal and making sure i never will be

sure, except there are no stable coins, when, again, all of them can be crushed in a matter of seconds

lmao, crypto has never worked towards that, it has only gotten worse by the year and is an absolute shitshow now bitcoin, the originator of this trend is just as volatile, 30k for a single coin, seriously? it just takes one person with a lot of them to tank its value in seconds

“pegged” currency as youd like to call it cant be crashed that easily nor that fast

So you seem to be privacy aware, yet you wanna use these language models?

You so realize how Looney you sound right

Name me a single currecny that has ever been able to loose its value in literal seconds, just one, go on ill wait

only your fake funny code coins are able to that arent they

Not controlled by countries and also making it so extremely volatile that it can loose its value literally in seconds

even if that claim is true, crypto is still hot garbage that never has done any good to the world what did crypto actually do that was positive, something that isnt some esoteric cryptobro bullshit can you actually, genuinely tell me one, hell, two things crypto actually does that is good?

and please dont come at me with financial security or freedom, cause that is a bunch of baloney

since when has crypto ever been private, it literally advertises itself with the fact you can track every single purchase anyone has ever made by simply knowing their wallet adrress

You lost me at brave Anyone even remotely accosiating with crypto, let alone making their own and integrating it, is not to be trusted.

There are many things to list but here is by favourite, they said you can tip creators with their garbage coin Turns out some creators did not apply, you could still donate, where did the money go? Sure as shit didnt to the creator

That smells like desperation to get a higher playercount and paypiggies