Lettuce eat lettuce

Always eat your greens!

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 12, 2023


Sure thing…now GPL/Creative Commons all your code involved in any way for your models, documentation, parameters, data sets, and allow full unlimited integration and modification by any parties to any portion of it.

True, sadly. Honestly it’s already there in certain specific respects.

This is kind of like asking, “what is water worth?”

To an upper middle class person in the developed world, a dollar or two. To a person stranded in a desert, they might literally kill for it.

If you are just a Joe shmoe out in the world living a basic life, privacy might not be worth hardly anything. But if you’re a whistle blower or a political dissident in an authoritarian country, your privacy is worth everything.

Obligatory reminder:

Email is not a secure medium! If you need truly secure and/or anonymous communications, DON’T USE EMAIL!

Use a platform/protocol designed from the ground up for those things!

I’ve been playing Finals through Proton for the last 6 weeks no problem. Devs patched EAC for Linux a while ago.

Good job, you’re making a good choice! I’m on a Pixel 6 running GrapheneOS, love it. Takes a bit if TLC at the beginning, but it’s really nice and functional for me now.

For podcasts, I use Podverse. Works well for me, and runs well on GrapheneOS.

Only buy the Pixel if you are going to install GrapheneOS on it. GrapheneOS is de-googled and has no bloat pre-installed.

Oh, so you believe in free speech? Let me scream into your ear for 30 minutes straight then.

Louis Rossman has a video on it, you can search it on his channel, “Why I deleted GrapheneOS.”

Basically, the lead dev for GrapheneOS started acting erratic and eventually left the project a few months ago handing it off to other devs.

I still use GrapheneOS happily and personally still trust it.

The issue becomes moderation at that point, not a big problem for a larger community, but small communities tend to struggle with moderation with just one hub of communications.

Also, the hardliners wouldn’t be interested in co-existing, that’s against their ethics generally.

I agree to an extent, but usability is not a sufficient condition for mass adoption. I think Lemmy for end users is just as usable as Reddit was, at least for me it is. But people don’t want to leave their communities.

That’s why personally I have a Discord still. There are too many communities I am an active part of on there to abandon Discord outright. Plus all of my friends and family are on there, and I’ve already approached some them about switching and they all have said the same thing I just did.

I wasn’t ever super invested in Reddit, so it was easy for me to abandon it for Lemmy, and I vastly prefer the communities here. Discord though is a different story for now, unfortunately.

We all compromise somewhere, it’s just a question of where the line is. Even Richard Stallman makes concessions for things like Firmware and hardware being closed source.

It’s the timeless debate between accessibility and exclusivity. Do you want more people in your community by compromising some values? Or would you rather be a hardliner but never reach those people?

Most of the time you have to pick somewhere on that spectrum. It’s a question of pragmatism and utilitarianism.

Does it do more good for lots of people to be slightly more privacy-aware, or is it better to have a very small portion of the population that are super privacy-aware?

You have to decide, and the debate rages on all the time.

Remember, privacy and anonymity are not the same thing. Signal is an app for private communications, not anonymous communications.

You can have privacy without anonymity, and you can have anonymity without privacy, and either/both of those can be secure or insecure.


He’s hardcore anti-corpo and money-interests, so much that he refuses any sponserships and condemns them universally.

Good stuff, well researched, only downside is that he takes a long time to upload stuff.

Correct, it’s a Classic move by Capitalist scum.

I’ve been on the Proton premium plan for about a year and a half and love it.

I mostly use it for Email and the VPN, but I do use Proton drive for some random stuff.

I don’t use Proton Pass because I already use Bitwarden for all my PW management needs.

Email and calendar services have been pretty much flawless so far. I like the interface, the Proton mail bridge works well for desktop clients like Thunderbird if you want to use those. The apps work really well on my Android device, all of them, Calendar, Mail, and VPN.

My torrent box Proton VPN CLI app has been solid too.

Should you quit smoking even though you’ve already been smoking for 7 years?

Better to not have started smoking, but still good to stop now.

The longer you go without giving new data, the less useful your old data will be. 6 months without new data? Not that big of a difference. 6 years without new data? Now that’s a big deal.

If you found out that your mechanic had been ripping you off for the last 7 years, would you keep going to them for car repairs just because you’d already lost so much money to them?

It’s not just about the practical aspects, it’s about the principle. The big corpos make money from selling your data, do you really want to keep helping them make money off you after finding out how they do it?

I’ve had my 6700xt for about a year now on Nobara Linux and I absolutely love it.

Plays everything I want at great framerates, never had any driver issues or glitches.

Yeah, I message one of my friends who has stock Android and stock Signal.

I’ve been using Molly on my GrapheneOS phone for about a year. It’s been pretty great so far.

Install GrapheneOS on it and it will be. Remember, security and privacy are two different things. You can be very secure without being private, and you can be very private without being secure.

Google Pixels by default are pretty secure, but not private, at least not to Google.

So first off, not sure if you’re in a different country or something, but I live in the US, and basically every website, Government or not, has a way to easily change your email address.

I’ve run into one or two that I had to call to confirm, but still, it was pretty painless.

Second, gmail allows you to automatically forward your emails to a different email address. While you’re going through the process of changing your primary email on different websites, set up a universal forwarding rule on gmail to send all emails to your new address.

Third, for actually transitioning your emails, sit down and write a list out of all your services that are tied to your email starting with most critical first. This would be banking, auto bill payments for utilities, car payments, credit cards, phone/internet payments, investment logins, etc.

Basically, the sites that if you lost access to or couldn’t auto pay with, you would be screwed or at risk of late payments.

Getting all of those down should be pretty quick because there shouldn’t be that many unless you have a ton of different loans, banks, and investment portfollios.

Getting those taken care of will take your stress down significantly. Then move on to important, but not critical, this could be your streaming services, other subscriptions like news sites or newsletters, important apps or services you pay for.

Then tier three is everything else. Stuff that doesn’t really matter that much.

This is what I did and now I’m completely off Gmail/Outlook and onto Protonmail and love it.

Last thing to remember is to download anything in your email that might be important. Just force the rule to run through your whole inbox and it will forward all your old emails to your new address. This will likely take many hours to fully sync, but eventually all email records will be moved over to your new email address.

I’ve been playing Arma3 on Linux for about a year and a half now, works perfectly for me.

Frames are high and smooth, graphical settings all work well, no crashes.

I’m on Nobara Linux with a 6700xt and a 5800X3D. I just run it through Steam, I think with the default Proton version, possibly experimental.

Gaming is so seamless on Linux now, even compared to just a year ago.

The amount of tweaks or fiddling I have to do now with games is basically zero.

Nearly every game I play literally just works. Not just on Proton either, but with regular Wine through Lutris, Windows games just play without issue.

I’ve never been happier with Linux than now.

My spouse is almost the opposite of me in the privacy/FOSS realm.

They use TikTok and other social media, don’t mind ads, use Windows, love Chrome and their Macbook, etc.

We’ve talked about privacy and FOSS a lot. They have the “I don’t care if China/corpos/NSA mine my data, I have nothing to hide.” Plus they like targeted ads and algorithmic content suggestions.

We have a lot of mutual respect for each other and I don’t force my views on them, and they know I won’t use certain apps. I gently suggest FOSS apps to them and sometimes they use them, sometimes not.

They also don’t object to watching shows and movies with me that I “aquire totally legally” because I don’t use streaming services.

I have told them that any children we have, I want to raise with a “FOSS first” philosophy, and they are cool with that.

Ultimately, I want my kids to have the choice of what software they use, FOSS or not. But for my part, they will know that I will only support the FOSS stuff, if they want to go proprietary, that’s on them.

I use the KDE version on my main gaming computer and it’s great. Fast, gaming is awesome, all my apps like Discord work without issue.

Overall, I love it.

Cool, that’s where I got it from too.

Anysoft Keyboard Private?
Just started using AnySoftKeyboard and I'm loving it so far. But I want to know if it is actually private and safe to use. Thanks!

Plus just a million random junk results that wouldn’t be helpful.

Very true. Yeah I’m not saying I disagre with their choice, I just couldn’t remember akk the exact details of the drama.

Some folks want zero “tampering” with search results. But honestly, a y search engine by definition is already curating the results before they ever get to the end user. The algos and crawler indexing they do, on top of all the ranking choices for relevance and organization is all effecting what comes back from a search.

I’m pretty sure DDG said they were censoring certain results that were misinformation related to Covid stuff.

Some people flipped out because ddg said they were removing results for what they deemed as conspiracy theories about Covid, at least that’s what I heard.

I’m pretty sure that if I went up to my friends/family, pulled my pants down, ripped ass in their face, then handed them a USB drive with Ubuntu on it, that would have a better chance of getting them to switch to Linux than showing them this video.

“Normies” “Left wing propaganda” pretty sure this is a piss take, but in the off-chance it’s legit, get off 4chan and read some actual books, do some research, come back to the FOSS community when you’re ready to have a mature position.