he/him | a loser | kingthrillgore.name

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Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Aug 27, 2021


Literally anything else? ACH transfers is a reliable mechanism to send money. It’s not as user friendly, though.

I’ve told companies that use PayPal to register as a business, not as an individual. If you’re an individual and a lot of money comes through, they will lock you down for “regulatory reasons.” Which is hilarious because they are technically not a bank (But I think they are a NA). You’ll never see that money again.

Unable to find other sources of income, PayPal is now squeezing the margins for money. The detachment of the stock market from reality marches on.

It ain’t called Cerbal Space Program.

Blaming the Americans is a signature “Russia has fucked with this company” trademark.

No sweaty, angry, sexist, racist, sub-human filth League gamers on Linux? What a shame. How will Linux users ever recover knowing the trash will never leave the dumpster? I for one am completely devastated.


I feel like this information is going to get sold to GOT–sorry, ‘voter suppression’ efforts and general databrokers.

I agree to never give Nintendo my money again, I hope they also shut down someday.

There’s two I believe, HDCP which has been around since the DVI days and only now people bothered to implement, and another form of XOR-based on the actual cable itself done with a secret key, again, its DeCSS all over again but the HDMI Forum has never promoted the secret key.

The big reason for HDMI’s non-freeness is the use of on-protocol encryption. They learned from DeCSS, and the forum can’t let it happen again.

I’m sure similar requirements stop DisplayPort and DVI from going open source.

It took them how many years to monetize their user base? This company is run by complete idiots.

I worked on a CCPA project in a non CCPA state for a big media company. Company’s lawyers just wanted to make it so if anyone applied we complied, its cheaper in terms of labor to build it out and comply.

The man who is CEO is a shitter who gave us the blessing/curse that is JavaScript

They’re relying on a cryptocurrency for growth

They use Chromium/Blink