I am very typical earthling. I like earth food and earth drink and earth sports and earth media. Im all about earth things because I am so typical and earthling. so typical as to be very boring and not worth investigating or looking into because I am definately from earth.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 18, 2023


well as I said we do have some on hard drive but streaming is more convenient and by and large been fine.

nope. in most cases streaming works well enough but we do have many on a hard drive from the included itunes.

so much agree. Why do we even allow data brokers? How about something like an entitiy cannot collect information that is not necessary to conduct the business it is in and cannot sell or provide that information to any other entity outside of the one they collected the information from which must be provided free upon request.

agree here. Im guessing because of the massive control apps give the places. I can no script my browser.

Oh. I thought folks were saying without a warrant. just at a stop. I get once the court is involved we pretty much lose our rights. Judges can put you in jail pretty much as they please once your in a court room and of course people are jailed and lose many rights. Not happy about that either granted but I get it.

still crazy. the person is being held down to have their skin pierced by metal to make it bleed. why the heck is this just casually allowed?! Heck even breathalyzers should have to function without touching you to be legit to me.

which is crazy. how is puncturing someones sking and drawing blood against their will not a type of battery

My wife literally did this with a pet tortoise in her home pool and had to dive in after it. Luckily it was ok.

Whats redic is this is supposed to help them catch terrorists? criminals? maybe the dummest but given the bills they passed communication whon’t be happening this way. I was actually wondering if the drug spam was just ciphered communication recently.

yeah if you use those kinds of things but the point is that carrier knowing your general location for no good reason is to much.

yeah although ironically as a long time smart phone not user im thinking ove getting one as a camera. sigh

yeah and I don’t even understand the conversation around accuracy. Even vaguely knowing what im about and doing is to much.

meanwhile I have to pre fill out some forms so the sherrif office can track it if its stolen. It cracks me up how the government getting things is a big deal but corpos then no worries.

oh yeah. never use real information unless you have to. remember how the blues brothers address was wrigley field?

boy what a horrible title:

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) today unveiled its new Street Level Surveillance hub, a standalone website featuring expanded and updated content on various technologies that law enforcement agencies commonly use to invade Americans’ privacy.

The hub has new or updated pages on automated license plate readers, biometric surveillance, body-worn cameras, camera networks, cell-site simulators, drones and robots, face recognition, electronic monitoring, gunshot detection, forensic extraction tools, police access to the Internet of Things, predictive policing, community surveillance apps, real-time location tracking, social media monitoring, and police databases.

It also features links to the latest articles by EFF’s Street Level Surveillance working group, consisting of attorneys, policy analysts, technologists, and activists with extensive experience in this field. …

this is the primacy for social security and we are going to cancel your social security if you do not click this link and fill in the information for which is required.

yeah this is the worst part of modern life. Its insane.

so you have to go incognito to put her in the mood?

that does not sound very useful. we already have free fillable forms. It needs to automatically get the information from the forms we just data entry into our taxes.

I was gonna post that I get enough of these at work.

oh thanks. I think it very well might be me messing with other controls.

took a bit of messing around to get it to work using desktop mode. Because of it I get this glitch where it loses the joystick and changes to keyboard controls such that I have to save. exit the game. and bring it back up to have it back to joystick mode. no idea what causes it. can play for large periods of time and it does not show but then it will show up two or three times in a night where im only playing for an hour or two.

I have dual citizenship so I put in gdpr requests but my resident country likes to talk about individual rights but then pass laws preferencing legal entities over individuals.

I went to the open streetwise magazine and asked folks if any search engines use open streetmaps by default with searches and they steered me to quant. to boot it otherwise behaves just like duck duck go but does not have the microsoft baggage.