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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


Check out Windows Xlite, they have 10 and 11. Their install iso’s are stripped of all Microsoft’s bullshit.

Check out Windows Xlite’s windows 11 .iso’s. Post install almost feels like a fresh Win7 install.

I’m in the same boat, of needing to still use Windows.

Check out Windows XLite. Its a highly customized iso that gets rid of all the bullshit. No automatic updates (they’re provided as cumulative installers), no windows defender, no edge, no cortana, no store, no Xbox, etc. Those things are all stil available, too. Also, all the telemetry is disabled from registry and gpolicy, and since no auto updates, they won’t mess with those entries to “uh oh we turned on our spying again, and didn’t tell you.”

Its a massive breath of fresh air, feels like going back to XP and 7, when your fresh install has nothing at all. Not even dot.net and vcredist, which are also available.

I DEFINITELY shared that worry, but I found it on an invite only forum that has a track record of clean isos and modded OS’es, and any uploaded files are scanned by multiple anti-malware/viruses. Plus I could see the dude FBConan had a long very active history there. He + someone else used to make Phoenix Lite, but other dude wanted to get greedy, so he ditched him and went solo. Now he just takes donations from Patreon, and makes downloading easy from his own website.

Multiple displays are always a shit show. Once a year I try out a current distro, and within a week I’m back on Windows. This time was Bazzite, and the exact same problems as always, both Plasma and Gnome, just last week. After all this time windows still don’t remember their size and position, and right click context menus randomly break and show up on the opposite monitor. Go and look up the bugs, and I can see they’ve been a problem for like 5-15 years.

If you give up on Linux for the time being, I HIGHLY recommend looking up Windows Xlite. It is a highly modified Windows 10 or 11 iso. They even have the option to install without Windows Defender, its such a breath of fresh air, almost feels like being back on XP or 7.

MPV can also be configured to look way better than VLC. Especially if you use HDR.

Classic JDM shit boxes till I die. Used to be a joke, but since cars have become what are essentially IoT devices, it’s become real. 🥲

I second any of 8bits controllers. I have the pro 2 myself, works perfectly when I use Linux.

If I recall, their website FAQ has a big, technical section on this.

Everyone here should check out Windows X-lite. No accounts required, disabled telemetry, deleted bloatware, options to delete defender and edge before install. You gotta even install .net and c++ redistributables your self. It feels like being on Windows XP again.

Looks like they’re using adguard home, which is self hosted and free. Like pihole but better IMO.