Let’s leave Steam and other launchers and distribution platforms alone a bit. Also lets stop discussing game engines for moment …

  • What are your favorite games that run natively on Linux and what genre are they?

Would be cool if you could write a few words about the game and why it’s your favorite game.

  • Hyper Rogue: Roguelike set in a non-euclidian world. It redefines what a fantastic world might look like, and has a very unique atmosphere.
  • FTL: Deep space exploration ahoy. If you enjoy space operas, FTL is the thing to play.
  • Atomic Tanks: Oldschool artillery game. Great fun to play with friends.
  • Warsow: The quintessential FPS. Damn good.
  • Battle for Wesnoth, SuperTuxKart, Hedgewars are probably known. I love these.

I’m programming our games primarily for Linux OSs. I’m very fond of them.

Shapez.io: It’s like factorio, but it is also really minimal. It is my favorite game because I can be proud of myself when I build a factory that gives me around 13 FPS. Some say it isn’t playable at such low FPS, but I still enjoy it, even if it is a slide show.


@Dirk Portal 1 y 2.

Stellaris and the Total War Warhammer games


Wube Factorio - sunk so many hours into this, fun, explorable and longlasting gameplay

Egosoft X4 Foundations - needs no words I think? Otherwise look it up, it’s just too much going on in this game, amazing!

I’m so disappointed, no mention of tux cart?

It’s fun, but there are a lot better native games out there imo.

I think I installed Kohan for Linux on my FreeBSD box? Does that sound possible? I really enjoyed it, and I don’t think I had anything but FreeBSD in my home at the time…

Starsector is an space sim game, probably one of my favourites. Sseth did a review on it if you want an idea of it:



Looks a bit like Pioneer but in more complex!

XEvil. Come one people, you can turn people into frogs!

But seriously, what a classic. The mechanics are well balanced and the rules while quite simple offer so many possibilities. For example the robot have a gun but can’t use drags. Ninja has low health but can climb walls. Chopter boy can fly but don’t have any melee attack. And so on…

As for the rules for example for each item you have use and drop actions. So to kill someone with a bomb you have to use it (arm it) and then drop it. It explodes 3 seconds after being armed. There’s also a soul swapper gun available. Shoot someone with it and you swap bodies. So what would I do? Arm the bomb and shoot someone with the soul swapper. They swap into a body with an active bomb and explode after 3 seconds. So fun.

In the end each round is different and the game is super difficult. One thing I never did is play it against other people. So… who wants to try?

There’s a blast from the past. And don’t forget https://obscuritory.com/action/battalion/


X-plane - it’s real flight simulator (from version 9,10,11 and still12) and working fine od 10 years old PC (Endeavour OS - Gnome), for children Tux kart and 0Ad. From Steam: war thunder, arma3…

Is that the one where installing it was just copying the files over, and also let you fly on Mars? I loved that game!

Yes but now have a Linux installer and is just real one of the best flight simulator on the world.

Doom 2016, runs better than Windows and looks amazing. Better in every way over Doom Eternal, not sure why anyone liked Eternal tbh.

Doom 2016 runs on a toaster it’s so stupidly optimized

Although its been a while, ksp linux was the fist to have 64bit support compared to the windows version. If you haven’t heard of ksp it’s space program/ spaceflight simulator grounden in real world physics/rocket technology with a few caveats. Without mods, the planets are “on rails” and don’t change orbits, and you are only affected by one “gravity source” at a time. The system it takes place in is about 1/10th scale

I have thousands of hours across dozens of playthroughs, and every single one of them ends the same way; the whole damn universe eventually de-coheres under the pressure of a relatively small quantity of mods and everything gets borked. I swear never again to waste my life playing it, and then start a new campaign 6-12 months later.

It’s an online rpg with an open world
Still in pre-alpha , so much of the content isn’t finished, but it’s already visually stunning for a voxel game and the gameplay is already quite enjoyable


factorio, the factory must grow.

  • Europa Universalis IV - by far my favorite grand strategy game; most Paradox games have native Linux support
  • Factorio - I bought it when it was in early access or something straight from the developer, and they had Linux support the whole time; at the time, it was pretty much the only factory game, and it was groundbreaking
  • Black Mesa - fan made Half Life remake, and it’s fantastic; again, played before the official release and it had Linux support out of the gate

Aside from the first, these aren’t my favorite games I’ve played on Linux, just my favorite Linux native games. With Proton/WINE, I’ve played tons of Windows games on Linux.

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