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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 06, 2023


I was a total Rust junkie, I was playing 40 hours a week. Then they dropped support for the Linux client and wouldn’t let Proton users do EAC. I had to stop cold turkey. But I fucking did it, because fuck capital-driven operating systems designed to exploit me and my own computer against me.

I feel like this is just enabling Microsoft.

IDK, Unreal Engine runs on Linux, can export to Linux, and the Unreal Tournament games are released on Linux.

You are cherry picking. What about EVERYTHING ELSE?

That’s a public line. It’s BS. Sweeny has been actively trying to torpedo gaming on Linux for YEARS. I don’t know if it’s just “Steam is good for Valve so it’s bad for me”, or if it goes deeper than that, but it’s obvious in the last decade of behaviour.

I don’t need to understand that it’s an issue for you, but I want to understand why it’s an issue for you.

Blender can be found in any professional studio today, doing some part of their pipeline, rarely all of it.

There are soooo many people I need to track down and say, “I told you so!” to regarding Unity vs Godot. Ownership matters. Own your platform!

I think I installed Kohan for Linux on my FreeBSD box? Does that sound possible? I really enjoyed it, and I don’t think I had anything but FreeBSD in my home at the time…

Agreed! Does it still run? I have install media around here somewhere…

I finally beat my first campaign this year. On Very Hard! It has displaced all my Toribash black belts as my rarest achievements. More people need to play!!

Hey, wanna exchange some blueprints and fight?

I have thousands of hours across dozens of playthroughs, and every single one of them ends the same way; the whole damn universe eventually de-coheres under the pressure of a relatively small quantity of mods and everything gets borked. I swear never again to waste my life playing it, and then start a new campaign 6-12 months later.

From the Depths is AMAZING. I lose a couple months to it every year as it sucks me in again.

StarMade has so much potential. It’s been open sourced and the community is starting to take it over, watch this space.

I really love games where you build large vehicles you can walk around inside, and then you go blow them up.

I keep almost buying this. If it was online pvp I would have been all over it.

I’m 46 and it took weeks for me to become competitive in Battlebit. You can still do it, it just takes a much bigger investment in effort and time.

Linley’s Dungeon Crawl aka Stone Soup. The most worked and polished old school roguelike there has ever been. Just in terms of game design, it is fascinating watching this project evolve. I have never seen a project make more fearless choices, and they almost always turn out to be winners.

Edit: OOPS! Not really multiplayer. There are some social features on the site that hosts it allowing you to watch other people’s games and heckle them and stuff.

I prefer – I grew up with it and OTTD feels too fiddly the way you have to lay out track one tile at a time.

Not an extra thing that you have to install, an extra thing that you have to maintain, forever, instead of just letting the OS do it for you. Have you never borked your main machine with a flubbed driver update? Or found that, uh oh, you broke CUDA last time you upgraded and didn’t notice until you tried to do some work?

…but trust Microsoft even less, no doubt. Russian guy might be fucking with you, but MS definitely is.

I don’t have a recent example because Proton always works (when it works).

Most developers don’t support their native Linux release at all. You’ll download an automatic update, and suddenly the game doesn’t even start; check the forum and find out, they never even tested the Linux build, it’s just all automatic, and it’s gonna take a couple of weeks before they get their linux box updated and working again so they can fix it because their one linux guy is working on something else. It’s crap. Proton has been a massive improvement in game reliability.

Which is fine, but it isn’t a perfect strategy, because developers and publishers have complete control to replace the client at any time to add features you decline to use, and you are not automatically entitled to a refund if that happens.

So don’t get into those games in the first place. There are so many games available. You will never exhaust them all.

Easier to get new friends and family who are already there

It’s just arbitrary convention, there isn’t a solid taxonomic reason they are separate.

New 7DTD server?
If anyone is spinning up a new 7DTD game today, I'd love to join! New release drops in a couple hours.