• 5 Posts
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Dec 18, 2021


I tend to disagree heavily. I would think of it as rather gamey (most games I played over the last year were much more narrative-oriented; this is a quintessential game!). Is there a thing you don’t like? You’ll look good when playing it, and you might even feel cool!

Implemented it for Acid Flight. https://thunderperfectwitchcraft.itch.io/acid-flight worked like a charm. Can’t test the online support, but the offline variant didn’t cause no trouble and saved my stuff correctly.

Didn’t use Wine much lately, but when I do i use usually 2 prefixes; one for 32, one for 64 bit. Winetricks is often helpful; so is the appdb on WineHQ.

Have fun!

Hi Dulsi. Well done - might try to implement it in one of our games, just checked your code snippets. See you @ the other board.

  • Hyper Rogue: Roguelike set in a non-euclidian world. It redefines what a fantastic world might look like, and has a very unique atmosphere.
  • FTL: Deep space exploration ahoy. If you enjoy space operas, FTL is the thing to play.
  • Atomic Tanks: Oldschool artillery game. Great fun to play with friends.
  • Warsow: The quintessential FPS. Damn good.
  • Battle for Wesnoth, SuperTuxKart, Hedgewars are probably known. I love these.

I’m programming our games primarily for Linux OSs. I’m very fond of them.

Its a Private Company which is not focused to gain Profit because Investors push to.

MARS is also a private company and has a section for child and slave labor on the Wikipedia.


ZF is a private company and produces weapons.

As I already said, Valve has a history of unethical and predatory business tactics. Do you suppose they do these for fun? (and would this improve things in your opinion?)

Private companies are market participants and have to act in their interest, or go eventually down. Valve wants to make revenue with their investments. The Linux community is at best a vehicle, and at worst a target to them.

I’ve used proton more often than not with games purchased through GoG. Their contributions to wine and the layer on top is excellent. Sam Latinga is a Valve employee and creator of libSDL, which is also another significant and foundational contribution to FOSS.

Wine and SDL were around before Valve was involved. It is unclear if and how good they can prevail if Valve decides that they aren’t interested anymore. Structures that are lost might be hard to regenerate.

And as for Linux gaming, it wouldn’t be where it is without Valve.

Half on the way to a glorified console for most of its users? The Linux gaming scene is now a reduced mirror of the gaming scene for Windows and the consoles; imo it was to be more interesting before. There was a higher and more vocal interest in smaller and more experimental productions. Nowadays it is the same as everywhere else.

A company can do a lot of good without having to be exclusively good.

Companies do profit, not good. The Linux Gaming scene was once quite sensitive to privacy, self control, and independence. Lemmy is a dedicated left site. But some of the folks here are cheerleading to a monopolist corp like there is no tomorrow. I’m from Germany - if I hear people worrying about what will happen when the benevolent dictator dies (see above in this thread) I get the creeps.

Valve is a capitalist company, aiming for profit.

They were heavily involved into establishing DRM in the video gaming world.

They were among the first to establish “FreeToPlay”, Lootboxes and whaling, a predatory business tactic.

They accepted right wing extremist games in the past.

They have a kind of monopolist web store for PC games.

They are known to use the embrace and suffocate tactic against community projects in the past (DotA, once a community driven project is now a trademark of Valve).

The linux gaming scene is flourishing, but this comes at the price of dependency. And not all this dependencies can be resolved at the will of the community; many of the users that came over in the last time are probably unable to start a binary without help.

Valve is a wonderful contributor to Linux. Look what a beautiful wooden horse they have gifted to us!

You should change your Distribution. Arch is a rolling release distribution with a strong focus on customization. If you use binaries shipped by another source, problems like those you described are quite likely to happen. Going to a distribution that isn’t that cutting edge (but still cutting edge enough to deliver working drivers/libs) would reduce the risk for such things.

I’m the captain of all who enjoy underground video games:


Have fun :D

In no particular order:


Xonotic: Good for online/LAN-play. UT-Style FPS.

OpenRA: Damn well good. RTS.

Warsow: Similar to Xonotic, but much faster. Damn good game. Sadly, defunct.

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart: If you like kart games and think they are all to easy, this is your choice.

Online/Split Screen/Couch coop:

SuperTuxKart: Damn fun, especially with a few add on tracks and good company at your place.

Hedgewars: Similar to Worms: Armageddon.

Battle for Wesnoth: Really fun once in a while. Neither the online nor the local experience is really “better”.

Offline/Split Screen/Couch Coop:

Atomic Tanks: Worms on steroids.

Barbarian: Rocks. The OSS-Version is a tad bit obscure.

I didn’t do VCMI, but Homm3 is one of my big local multiplayer favorites. I wait for the full inclusion of WoG before shooting it up. Also, as a young boi I really loved C-Dogs. The thing is now open source, check it out.

Opened a community to discuss non-commercial, underground games: https://lemmy.ml/c/undergroundgaming

Opposed to most other people here I would like to say that making your game support dependent from a software that 95% won’t be able to install or use without getting a partly closed source DRM “app-store” software is - in my book - a bad idea.

Won’t buy any games that have no native support.

Underground Gaming
For around a half year, I try to locate games that don’t fit within the “market” and - if I find them to be good - review them on my Blog. I came to believe that there are many interesting works that struggle from a lack of attention. It is my believe that it would be worth to attempt to unite the different non commercial gaming communities and the various “lone wolfs” into a (at least loosely) connected, defined scene to allow mutual feedback, help, and allow us to detect each other among the zero-effort-projects and commercial players. My idea is to establish the term Underground Game for such non-commercial games; the corresponding scene should be close to the free software/open source movement, and - so my idea - be open towards leftist politics but shut out right wing bigots for various reasons. Here you’ll find a manifesto I created, if you want to dive in further (no ads, no tracking, no placed content - the blog is strictly uncommercial, so i hope this is okay - putting the whole wall of text here wouldn’t be practical): https://thunderperfectwitchcraft.org/arcane_cache/2023/06/08/underground-games/ Right now, I’m druming in various smaller game dev communities and on mastodon. Would you have interest in partaking in such a community? What would be the right medium for a common channel in your opinion? A identical topic was created for /gaming/. A few extra words here: Linux Gaming was changed a lot by Valves involvement. Many seem to be positive about this. But you should consider that a certain dependence comes with Valves heavy activity in the Linux Gaming-Landscape - this could backfire one day.

Recommending OpenSuse. Its not hard to set up your GPU there anymore, you are less gimped than with Ubuntu, and you’ll have a more widespread and mature community than with PopOS, resulting in more software to be available.

GPLed our game catalog
Today we put our first game, "Meditation 5" under a GPL. With this, all our games are "liberated"; the source codes are all available and put under GPL3; for "Acid Flight" and "Meditation 5" this also goes for the assets except of the fonts (that we don't own). **Our games:** **The Vaults of Minos** is a roguelite precision platformer with very fluid controls and an refined level generation. Assets are non-free, but you might download the demo and place the binary you can build from the source there; the resulting game will have all features available. ![](https://lemmy.ml/pictrs/image/e64f73f4-3c93-42ca-bca8-061576b5c45a.png) http://thunderperfectwitchcraft.org/VaultsOfMinos/index.html **Acid Flight** is a version of "Icy Towers" put on steroids. You might experience a texture glitch when starting it, in this case just restart the game (might require a few attempts). ![](https://lemmy.ml/pictrs/image/e61c0d98-7dfb-4598-b7ee-20689d83fa19.jpeg) http://thunderperfectwitchcraft.org/AcidFlight/ **Meditation 5** is an minimal, abstract light gun game designed around taoist philosophy that should be played with a controller. ![](https://lemmy.ml/pictrs/image/e97d1be4-6bcb-4c82-acbb-6c49cf962671.png) http://thunderperfectwitchcraft.org/Med5/index.html Check them out!

Arcane Cache - Review blog for underground indie games
The [Arcane Cache](http://thunderperfectwitchcraft.org/arcane_cache/) reviews games that fly beyond the radar of the big gaming sites and blogs. I focus on amateur games and niche productions. Since I play exclusive with Linux, all games I review run native or with wine.

The Vaults of Minos is a precision plattformer inspired by pulp adventure comics and movies and mid 90s jump'n runs. We invested a lot of time in playtesting and polishing the game to ensure good controls, a challenging but fair gameplay and an overall fluid and fun experience. The core feature of Vaults of Minos is a refined autogenerator that delivers challenging but always solvable levels for every new run. Other features include: -Colourful 2d sprites -Custom Soundtrack -Different bosses/Story mode -Full Controller Support (xinput, xbox, and dualshock) -Adjustable difficulty -Highscores and achievements The game was developed on OpenSuse and should run well on any modern Linux system. Visit https://thunderperfectwitchcraft.itch.io/the-vaults-of-minos to get the game or the demo. A steam release is planned for late july/early august. I'll stick around if you have any questions or feedback regarding the game!