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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


Overall I’m still getting used to the Steam “processing vulkan shaders” pretty much every time a game updates

Start game, see popup, go to kitchen to grab some snacks, bring out trash, have a quick chat with the neighbor, go back inside, use the bathroom, come back to computer - game is just starting.

Semi off-topic naming discussion 🙃

The new name followed those rules.It’s voxel and libre, sharing an L.

Is it Voxe-Libre, Voxel-ibre (not everyone knows that “libre” is a word), or Voxel-Libre, or something else? This is not clear at all for every language that is not English. “Voxe(l)” is also, to a certain extend, a game mechanic. It would be like naming a game using a polygon based engine PolygonRandomame :)

But Since the name change already made it into international news it cannot be changed anymore without causing mor disturbance. People will get used to it like they got used to “Minetest” (which is an absolute stupid name that was never meant to be permanent).

As for the Forgejo issue, have you started a discussion here? You also shouldn’t need a script, because Forgejo can clone from Gitea, including issues if an access token was provided.


You seem to not like the name or the things we do. Maybe tell us more about what you like…

I’m a programmer, so by nature I am bad at naming things 😄

I just know what names I don't like ...

For Minetest game names I came up with personal “rules”

  • Don’t name it anything with “test” or “mine” in the name
  • Don’t name it after a game item or a game mechanic
  • Make the name googleable
  • Make it easy and unambigous to say

We had the poll on Matrix also which is FOSS, and our issue tracker built on Gitea. […] The fact remains that 80%+ of our players choose discord

Gitea is corporate-owned nonfree software. (There was a hostile takeover of the project, they also changed to a non-free open core release and made mandatory to remove all copyright headers from changed or newly added files.)

For the Discord debacle: Maybe make it an unrecommended channel and endorse people to use Matrix instead. Everyone who cares even a little bit should not explicitly or implicitly suggest using closed-source or corporate-owned software.

But I guess that’s a topic for another discussion …

Exactly. On desktop this also works as expected. Since the Firefox doesn’t have proper quickdial (neither on desktop nor on mobile) such a functionality is absolutely necessary.

I need 6 taps to open a folder in my bookmarks bar in new “tabs”. This is just ridiculous.

It shows up if you close the browser?

If you close all tabs, if you open a new “empty” tab, if you restart the browser, etc. Having a settable homepage is a no-brainer and I never ever stumbled across a browser that cannot set it.

They are going to make a new tab organizer though.

So we can finally have normal tabs in Firefox, too?

Why have a poll on a proprietary closed-source software, though? Why not exclusively in the MT forums where the most users are?

Firefox has a massive data leak issue, this is unfortunate but nothing new and it’s quite easy to stop.

The thing is, the foundation goes in the completely wrong direction. Instead of developing the browser and create an actually good mobile version of it, they sink money in useless hypetrain bullshit.

For example: on Android Firefox you cannot even change the homepage.

It really doesn’t, yeah. But the vocal minority decided.

Its not the car manufacturers failure when the road is broken.

Exactly. When the variable is unset the UI shows massive artifacts and weird rendering glitches.

Thank you for educating me on basic knowledge about WMs, which I use since ove a decade.

I just expect applications behave the same. I have literally not one single line of configuration for X11 in any of my configuration files.

I need this QT variable, otherwise Cura does not work properly.

You’re using a WM bud, wtf do you expect?

I expect it to work, like Openbox works on X11.

Cannot confirm any Nvidia unique X11 bugs since everything works perfectly fine since a decade or so for me – but tons of Nvidia unique Wayland bugs (same driver version and same card). I am not quite sure if Nvidia are really the bad one in this specific case.

My whole invironment is full of stuff to make Wayland actually work with Nvidia.

$ cat .config/labwc/environment 

Not one single line of configuration is used for X11.

Did they worked together with X11 to the same extend they need to work together with Wayland?

Nvidia shouldn’t need to put anything in. It’s entirely Waylands fault that it does not work well with the already existing hardware and drivers environment.

Nvidia is shit for so many reasons but not because Wayland doesn’t work well with it.

Who thought individual compositors having to re-implement base features individually and over and over again would be a good idea?

Same with the dozens of different protocols and portals and all the other magic bullshit. Once feature-complete with X11,Wayland will be of same complexity.

Check out the “Completion status” section on the MineClone2 page I linked, there are lists of what features are available and what’s missing, also what’s added exclusively for MineClone2.

For a Minecraft alternative maybe have a look at Minetest. Minetest is a voxel game engine that allows for a wide variety of voxel games. (And you cannot connect to Minetest servers with it, of course.)

One of those voxel games is named “MineClone2”. It is not a 100% clone, though.

You install Minetest and from within the client you can install MineClone2.

Wait, that’s Pixel-specific and not Android default functionality?

The built-in one works very well for me.

Clearly not that it is basically just an advertising network disguised as browser.

Looks a bit like Pioneer but in more complex!

Your favorite native Linux games?
Let's leave Steam and other launchers and distribution platforms alone a bit. Also lets stop discussing game engines for moment ... * What are your favorite games that run natively on Linux and what genre are they? Would be cool if you could write a few words about the game and why it's your favorite game.

Last year they acquired a malware company (likely for their user tracking infrastructure), and the CEO sold a large part of his shares. They totally knew what would happen and they prepared everything since then.

Someone should tell them to use uBlock Origin instead.

Don’t use Chrome then. There are plenty of browsers using the Chromium open source platform. So if you like how Chrome behaves but don’t like Google, use one of the Chromium-based systems.