Thought this might be helpful to others who use Mullvad Browser.

Got to the advanced preferences and set to true.

My man was just looking for this you are a star thanks

Alternatively, Piped has SponsorBlock built in. It also has DeArrow support, but I find it causes too much of a slowdown so I keep it disabled. Plus, since I only really watch from my subscriptions, clickbait is less of a worry for me.

That’s good to know, though any modification to the Mullvad browser should ideally be done as a last resort to avoid fingerprinting.
Rather, is there a YouTube client that integrates with the SponsorBlock API?

139M on the web, LibreTube on Android.

I started searching myself and found that too, though I can’t even get videos to play on the browser for some reason, even though the instance I tried works through Libretube, which I’ve been using for a good while now by the way and SponsorBlock is great on it!
I wonder if it’s a web client bug

I like NewPipe x SponsorBlock on Android and for desktop


Also checkout freetube. It’s a desktop application. It can be configured to use invidious instances.

AMAZING, thank you

I dont think piped skips in video ads, does it?

I know smartube app for android tvs works great though.


Sponsorblock is built into piped.

It does for me

I dont know. That would be great.

Its only the 2nd modification i found i needed. The other was i had to enable webauth so I could use my yubikey.

Apparently Piped would be it, but I couldn’t get it to play back the videos at all on my browser so I can’t say for sure.

Anyway yeah, I think that shouldn’t be too bad, I guess you also have a second browser to “dirty up” with all kinds of configurations on the side

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