I’ve been wanting to move on from gmail for a while now, thought about self hosting but I’m afraid I won’t have the time or ability to keep it running well for a long period of time. Which service would you guys recommend? I’m not an avid email user, I basically just sign up to websites and send support emails once in a while.

I switched to disroot and am so far super happy with it. especially because it comes with a lot of nice features like file transfer and cloud storage. its also free.

I’m considering moving to disroot as well.

its also free.

That it is, but please consider donating as it’s also non-profit :)

I recommend Proton Mail if you just want a simple, no fuss email service. It’s free with some paid options, but the paid options are super unecessary and pretty much useless if you just use email to sign up and send support emails. Proton Mail also blocks trackers and cleans links in your emails.

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I absolutely would recommend purelymail.com as well. I do self-host but this is quite a big undertaking, and even then you can occasionally get deliverability problems. For business use I would definitely use purelymail.

Been using purelymail.com, they’re pretty cheap and trustworthy imo

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The Doctor

Unless you’re a seasoned sysadmin, hosting your own mail server is going to be more trouble that it’s worth. It’s a lot of work, and when that was a common thing (companies having their own mail servers) usually they had dedicated admin teams (when they bothered hiring more than one admin, that is) to run it. It’s a lot of work.

I migrated my domain over to Protonmail a couple of years back, and it’s the best money I’ve spent in a long time.

Not sure how many people know this but there is an i2p mail service too that can work with clearnet and inside i2p. The cleanet is @i2pmail.org and the i2p mail is @mail.i2p .

I have not tried it out in years but just wanted to make others aware in case it fits your use case.

If you want access to some underlying knobs and buttons, but without running your own email server, then Migadu might be interesting.

I can recommend StartMail. It’s from the same company that develops StartPage


been using Tutanota and Skiff, had no issues so far

Another vote for tuta here. Very nice service and having my email @ be tuta.io is very satisfying

Skiff doesn’t work with IMAP, so Outlook, Thunderbird, K-9-Mail and other Clients won’t work


yeah true 👍. i just responded to what OP asked, “sign up websites” and send basic emails

Ah, yes, my bad, I didn’t read the entire post. In that case all options should be fine, I also have a skiff-mail but I’m not that sure about their privacy policy.

Neither does Tutanota, I have (cheapest) paid plan and their client is shit.

I use StartMail, they support IMAP

Runbox is pretty good, webmail isn’t amazing but just use Thunderbird and FairEmail with IMAP

I use Proton with a custom domain. No need to manage another server at home, I get to have a nice professional email for personal use and I can spin up burner addresses on demand.


Proton Mail

Proton just keeps getting better, it seems like they’re trying to create a suite to compete with Microsoft.

Email, cloud storage, VPN, calendar and recently password manager.

I do wish their VPN client for Linux was a priority sooner (they’re working on it now). Also, I can’t get email notifications on my degoogled phone because it uses Firebase for push notifications.

Other than that, I love Proton. I pay for Proton Unlimited, I’m happy to support their growth for a great product range.


Could I ask how you find Proton’s search capabilities versus Gmail?

I use their mail bridge to my PC, and then whatever client you want. I use Evolution.


I honestly don’t use the search function. Our work emails are through gmail so that’s what I primarily use, my personal email doesn’t really have too much going on there so I don’t really need to do any advanced searching, filters, etc

I’ve been using Fastmail for almost a decade now, and extremely satisfied by the service, privacy, features and price.

If you’re interested in signing up for it, I have a referral link (the above one isn’t it, I’m not that shady) you can use for a 10% discount on your first year.

Good luck with the search.

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