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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 18, 2023


You sure about that? Isn’t the hash stored on the secure element? I don’t doubt some right high rolling actors can get in there but it doesn’t sound that trivial.

I don’t blame you. I’d definitely choose apple over Windows at least on the desktop side of things. You get a Unixy experience and their UI is pretty good.

I am still a Gnome user mostly because the interface is Maclike and I came to Linux from the Mac world.

That and as far as phones and tablets go, your options are really limited if you want to go the custom ROM route. ARM is horrible in that each SOC needs its own custom kernel. A very different world from x86.

Some people have hundreds of gigabytes of perfectly legally obtained music.

They don’t want all of this on their phone. Also you can have your movies and shows on Jellyfin.

Bingo! He’s a New-York-based cinematographer. You hit the nail on the head. 😂

Yes. A lot of Linux folks hate Apple because they are every bit slimey as Windows but hide behind a veneer of respectability due to higher-end nature of the market they target. So a bunch of yuppies shill for them.

I have an American cousin who refuses to contact me on either WhatsApp, Signal, or Telegram (I gave him three fucking’ options) because "I only trust Apple with my contacts list "

Ok, well I’m not spending a euro-per SMS, so we won’t casually chat from time to time. Goodbye.

I might be a bit jaded.

I use FreeOTP+. I have no idea if it is “the best” but it does it’s job and has served me well.

I absolutely would recommend purelymail.com as well. I do self-host but this is quite a big undertaking, and even then you can occasionally get deliverability problems. For business use I would definitely use purelymail.

I love how much you can pimp out Firefox with custom CSS style sheets. However, the number one reason I use it is to show the internet that not everyone wants to just surrender to Chromium (and Google). If I could donate specifically to Firefox development, I would.

I have Brave as a backup and still use it from time to time. It’s a good browser. Privacy-wise it is probably better than vanilla Firefox but inferior to Librewolf (a security-hardened Firefox fork).

The EU is very much hit and miss. I do appreciate them putting Google, Meta, and Apple in their place, and some on the legislation regarding smart phones they have passed. But ultimately they want to have all your data for “security”.

Still, I think the situation in the US is a bit worse.