The reason I’m asking is because I have a phone that I would like to install Lineage OS on, but when I’ve tried in the past, I lose VoLTE capabilities on the phone. So I was considering using Google Voice with MicroG. I know when it comes to regular phone calls and SMS text messages, your ISP archives all your data indefinitely, so I’m wondering, from a personal privacy standpoint, is using Google Voice any less private. Do they collect any more info than my ISP does?

Also, if I plan to install MicroG, would there actually be less data collection than normal since MicroG scrubs all info except the account name before reaching out to Google’s servers. I figure Google Voice might still have access to metadata related to my phone calls, or maybe even records of calls, but so does my ISP, so is Google Voice really any worse?

Any advice is appreciated, thanks!

If you haven’t already done that: have a look at the xdadevelopers forum for your device (or google it). maybe you can fix that VoLTE issue without much effort. I’ve had a phone that also didn’t work, but my current phone works great with VoLTE, VoWifi …

It depends on what other data your ISP has vs what other data Google has. If Google knows more about you, like web history, then it can correlate the data to create a more complete profile. The reverse is also true. Pick your poison, there’s really no privacy either way.

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