It finally happened. My ‘dumb’ TV died for good. Looking for recommendations on a new TV. I’ll be hooking it up to a media PC anyway, but I still want a TV with a good panel and absolutely no microphones, cameras, or baked in ads (Looking at you roku). If anyone knows any good ‘dumb’ TV’s too, I’d be very interested in looking at those.

Buy a “smart” TV and don’t connect it to the internet.

Don’t use the remote it comes with that has a microphone; used HDMI-CEC or a universal.

Look at commercial models for a completely dumb tv. You can also consider a monitor with a remote. Hisense don’t have to have internet to function. Some droid tvs do.

I just grabbed another dumb tv from the local freecycle group.

I bought an LG TV, connected it to the internet once to download Jellyfin, blocked internet access directly after.

If you’re cool with connecting it to the internet once, I’d recommend LG, the Magic Remote is light years ahead of the competition.

Other than that, just get any OLED TV and don’t give it internet access (or one of the new QD-OLEDs if you have the money for it).

Quick Detach Organic Light-Emitting Diode?

Lol thanks. I knew I was joking but I also didn’t know the real answer haha.

I tend to go with Panasonic because they make excellent panels. Mine doesnt have ads anywhere in the UI & doesnt have a camera or mic. Our set was originally released in 2021 & still looks great. The menus aren’t great but once its set up we never use them, its turned on/off & thats it. Never connect it to the net. Ours is connected to HTPC & amp

An alternative would be to get a monitor & connect USB TV tuner to your media PC/HTPC


Pick up an old Samsung TV, they are dumb and mine work great still


Just don’t buy a new tizen os tv


Most projectors are dumb, and HD ones aren’t too expensive anymore.

It is weird to see people recommending projectors as a replacement for TV. That would require having a fairly large room so that a large wall surface could be dedicated to the projection. Not to mention that it would be uncomfortable to use with lights on…

Can you give some examples of them? I remember projectors from when I was a kid but have they changed that much?


I’ve had good luck with optoma projectors.

Thank you!!

I’m interested to follow the comments here. TVs are not a one size fits all product and very tough to choose between at times, even without privacy in mind.

My gut is that the choice will be panel based, with the option to turn microphones off.

I’ve been looking at the LG C3 and would not connect internet and then turn the mic off. If there’s better options I’d love to hear them.

In preparation for this happening to me I’ve been looking at commercial displays, which are infuriatingly more money unfortunately


They’re more expensive because they aren’t filled with advertising. Consumer TV prices these days are heavily subsidized by brand deals and ad space

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