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Cake day: Jul 10, 2023


Actually, the middle man is why I picked them… I’m just trying to give Mozilla extra revenue streams besides donations from Google.

But it is good to know its at least not a bad option. Their client is decent enough, I have no problems with it, so I’m happy to continue to support them and think of it as a monthly donation

Apparently unpopular but I use Mozilla VPN

They’re more expensive because they aren’t filled with advertising. Consumer TV prices these days are heavily subsidized by brand deals and ad space

Most people recommended Mint so far. What sorts of things do you like about Fedora?

Sorry, forgot to specify in the post. But I’m looking for a desktop replacement. We thankfully don’t use Windows Server anywhere at the moment.

Seems like the general consensus in this section is Mint, so I’ll give that a look over for sure

In the spirit of these kinds of changes, I’d love to hear some honest Linux distribution recommendations. I’m leaning towards Ubuntu because it is the most widely advertised and UX focused from my perspective. But I’ve also heard good things about Arch. Any others I should be considering?

I’ll probably not go full Linux any time soon - I want at least one Windows OS to play games on - so whatever option it should be dual-boot friendly.