I have a NAS as my primary photo backup solution and one day someone will make a photo frame that I can point at it and it will just cycle through photos, but until that day, it’s just a blackhole of memories. That said, that blackhole is important enough to me that I also back up online.

That said, given the new AI race, it’s less safe than ever before and I’m seeking somewhere I can stick my photos and videos really cheaply and securely. Somewhere with pedigree that seems like it would be around in ten years. Also, someone with a modern design team so the app doesn’t look like shit (preferably an open source Material You app targetting Android 14) and I can get notifications with daily memories.

as long as you use a backup solution that encrypts the data before storing it remotely you will be fine. i like borg backup with borgbase as my first off-site storage, and a nas somewhere else as my second off-site storage.

Would an encrypted backup using something like Crytomator or Rsync fit your needs? It would allow you to use the cheaper cloud services without letting them see the content of your files.

Proton Drive is another good option.


I use mega.nz. £50 a year for 400GB and it’s encrypted with your private key. The Linux support is really good with a nice sync, file browser extension, access via web etc.

Ente is cool, but not cheap. Immich is free.

What does AI have to do with your NAS being less secure?


The Ente suggestion went right under my radar. It actually looks like a really solid suggestion, thank you.

No worries! Curious your thoughts on it if you decide to check it out more.


So the plan as it currently stands is to do real time photo backups with Immich and then back that up to a hetzner storage plan. But it’s just a plan for now since I haven’t even installed Immich yet. But the thinking is that it’s cheaper than Ente, which looks good and gives me more wiggle room.

Buy another NAS and run it at a mates house? If your house burns down hopefully theirs is fine?


Dunno why I find this hilarious, but I do. That said, I need to buy myself a new NAS before I think about one for a friend 🥺

i have a nas for my backup at my parents house. you don’t need friends for this 🤷

Easy then, buy a new one for you, give the old one to your friend :)

I wasnt really joking either, the upfront costs might be higher, but longer term will be cheaper than a cloud service. And hopefully more secure.


throw Immich on the nas and backup the Photos as a pgp encrypted file on some cheap cloud service


I guess I’ll spend some time looking into Immich. Thanks for the suggestion.

Probably ditch PGP and use rclone on a cron job to backup your photos to an encrypted remote. Then you can use whatever cloud provider is the cheapest at the time.

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