Born and raised in London. Just a normal guy with a moral compass.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 22, 2023


Let’s be honest though, “don’t set a wallpaper, in case they track you” is extreme. It’s the privacy equivalent of the £1000 Ethernet Cables.

I use Muzei and my wallpaper changes every half hour, so I’m not really affected.

But even if I was, so the fuck what? If you’re sacrificing your personal enjoyment of your phone for privacy, you’re either a secret agent or you’re overly paranoid.

Most of us are running adblocking at the DNS level, so what exactly are you worried about?

Paranoia for the sake of paranoia is stupid!

Are you looking for ! or !

What are the privacy concerns regarding Wikipedia?

The beauty is the extension over alternatives is that it gives you a list of alternatives. Ping them and switch to the quickest loading one.

I mean being charged with facilitating international piracy in an age where big corporations are using whatever they can as an in to harvest your data is pretty pro privacy IMO, but I get what you’re saying. By no stretch of the imagination were his actions guided by anything other than profit.

Weren’t they shady for the right reasons?


So the plan as it currently stands is to do real time photo backups with Immich and then back that up to a hetzner storage plan. But it’s just a plan for now since I haven’t even installed Immich yet. But the thinking is that it’s cheaper than Ente, which looks good and gives me more wiggle room.

The Ente suggestion went right under my radar. It actually looks like a really solid suggestion, thank you.

I guess I’ll spend some time looking into Immich. Thanks for the suggestion.

Dunno why I find this hilarious, but I do. That said, I need to buy myself a new NAS before I think about one for a friend 🥺

Photos and Videos Online Storage
I have a NAS as my primary photo backup solution and one day someone will make a photo frame that I can point at it and it will just cycle through photos, but until that day, it's just a blackhole of memories. That said, that blackhole is important enough to me that I also back up online. That said, given the new AI race, it's less safe than ever before and I'm seeking somewhere I can stick my photos and videos really cheaply and securely. Somewhere with pedigree that seems like it would be around in ten years. Also, someone with a modern design team so the app doesn't look like shit (preferably an open source Material You app targetting Android 14) and I can get notifications with daily memories.

Media Backups
So I have a rather simple question, where do you all backup your music, movies and photos to that's stored on your NAS?

Yep, I still get emails from Facebook despite deleting my account 20 years ago

Anyone that promises encrypted mail is a liar. Until the email consortium or whatever they’re called offer encryption as standard, all email is sent as plain text.

Have you considered Funk Whale, the Spotify of the Fediverse?