Filen – Next Generation End-To-End Encrypted Cloud Storage
Filen – Next Generation End-To-End Encrypted Cloud Storage. Get started with 10 GB of free space.

Does anyone of you know Do you trust it? The Pricing is so attractive and I never heard of that company before, so it seems a bit too good to be true. What do you think?

Unless you audited the code or encrypted the files yourself, I wouldn’t trust it.

Been using it for half a year I really like it because they haven’t had any big controversy, they have all the features that I need and their business is located pretty close to where I live.

Been using it for over 6 months and I’ve found it’s everything I personally needed. I’ll be buying the lifetime plan next.

If you’re asking about the encryption, they publish a whitepaper on their website with the details. I can’t really comment on that since I’m no expert. But I did a quick online search back then and found good comments so decided to trust them.

Filen is far from new, been around for years and I’ve never had an issue with them. My only bitch is thier Android app looks like an iOS app.

Been using it for a couple of years now I think. Haven’t seen a reason not to like it.

There’s a thread in GitHub where the guys discussed some flaws in the encryption but that was at the very beginning, I remember reading those have been solved apparently.

Pricing, well, it seems cheap but honestly I think it’s just because we are used to seeing outrageous prices for ridiculously small amounts of storage. Thinking about it, 30 eur for 100gb is not cheap at all, like some other comment says when compared to physical drive prices. Plus, offering lifetime is a common marketing technique to attract customers used by small or starting businesses. I don’t know if that is the case here but it certainly isn’t an automatic red flag for me. I don’t know if they are gonna be around next year or 5 years from now, but I’m willing to take the risk. They claim to have lots of users and be cash flow sustainable, plus they keep developing and are getting into business features to attract that kind of customers, certainly doesn’t look like a business on life support to me.

App and code-wise, they are much better than they were a year ago. Android app is still a bit janky sometimes but I don’t use it a lot so I got not much to say, other than I can see my files and upload something small once in a while just fine. The desktop client is amazing, the best functioning client for Linux that I have used from any service, or from the few services that have a Linux client at least. The clients are open source and since the service is e2ee you don’t really need to see the server code if the client encryption is done correctly, which apparently there is no sign that it isn’t, as mentioned before.

Overall I would say you can use it, but keep a backup somewhere else just in case, which is just the thing that anyone should be doing anyways.

30 eur for 100gb is not cheap at all

At e.g. Hetzner you can get 10TB for 25 EUR so no, that is not cheap at all, even if it might include some additional services compared to the Hetzner offering (which is not end to end encrypted but for costs of disk space that should not matter).

Hetzner was recently outed in allowing fed MITM attacks so I’d be careful.

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is this ragebait? the guy above me literally said Hetzner.

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They offer lifetime, so it’s probably shit.


Their lifetime offers come and go, actually, because otherwise they would bankrupt themselves.


at €300 per 2tb? that’s like 10x the current cost of storage. sounds like a reasonable price to provide what is really just a modest quota, indefinitely, so long as there isn’t a wave of ‘fires’ across southeast asia that puts every hdd and most nand facilities out of commission and storage costs skyrocket to prices never before seen.

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Unlimited anything (time or space) tends to be much more common among unprofessional companies who don’t last that long or add limits after the fact anyway.


there’s nothing stopping the company from discontinuing the sale of new ‘lifetime’ plans should there ever be a concern about the ‘costs’ to serve those who already have it. as it is now, they have a fairly high price on a very modest amount of space, and it appears to me that they’re covering their ass here wrt future servicing costs.

Amju Wolf

It’s fairly common to give a (sense of) a good deal to new people while raising a bit more money roght now than you would with a traditional subscription.

Then later when you start getting more users quicker you cancel that offer and nee users have to use a subscription (which will make you more money over time).

Protonmail did something similar originally, giving out Visionary for life for a (large) one-time fee. It’s a decent strategy to raise money from people who believe in your product.

I don’t. There are great storage solutions you can use: Wasabi s3 via rclone. Hetzer storage boxes. OVH and any cheap S3 storage via rclone.

I use it.

I like it.

Bought the 100 GB for life.

Remember that that’s their life, not yours

I think it was worth 1 1/2 years. I bet they will be alive at least that long

I trust that to last longer than the lifetime of… Pretty much, just a Mega.

I’ve been using the free version for a couple years now. If the app wasn’t so janky I would have upgraded but now. Camera sync sort of works, but only if I manually open the app. It doesn’t function in the background like FolderSync or most cloud storage apps, even when I disable battery optimization. I also can’t manually upload large files easily; usually it fails halfway through.

This is on Android and has been fairly consistent since Android 11.

I’m still on the hunt for encrypted cloud storage that can sync arbitrary folders, like my camera and Signal backup folder.

SyncThing + a Raspberry Pi?

That would… Technically… Classify. In the most painful-to-set-up way possible. You wouldn’t even need the Pi to be publicly accessible on the internet (as long as you are cool with changing its configuration on your local network).


Haven’t heard about them before…

i looked over their profiles, COO and CEO seem to know each other from their time in college. Both are newcomers; looks like a nice startup. Their advisor is a professor from their school, Norbert Pohlmann, who is also chairman of TeleTrusT. Seems pretty legit from my perspective.


Been using it for over a year now. The clients were a bit ropey for awhile but they’re great now.

As for trust, only you can really answer that, but they tick all the right boxes for me - I can pay in a way that preserves my privacy, everythings open source and E2EE, they have good policies.

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