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You never know if Americans will attack Canada… and stay there for healthcare. This shall not happen! Total surveillance and build the wall!

Possibly linux

I just don’t want to pay there taxes

Scary le Poo

"I don’t want to pay the government $20 a month for universal healthcare. I want to pay a private company $200 a month for healthcare that is only covered at select locations by select facilities by select doctors and can be denied at any time by the insurance company. Freedom!“

How did Americans become so stupid?

Your forgetting the fact that the health care providers can charge the government an arm and a leg. With “universal healthcare” there is a much lower incentive to lower costs and increase quality.

Scary le Poo

No they can’t. Single payer means that all the control is in the governments hands, because there are plenty of providers and only one payer for the entire 300+ million Americans. This is how single payer works. Medicare does this, for example.

In the current system there is 0 incentive to lower prices. The incentive becomes to charge as much as will be maximally paid.

Before you try to argue, the nhs, Canadian healthcare system, and pretty much every developed country that isn’t the US, would like to have a word.

Don’t forget everything being way more expensive even not counting the taxes or conversion rate!


You get what you paid for.

Waiting for months on end for a doctor you don’t get to choose after paying 4x in taxes for them, ya! Works awesome. Ever live in Canada? I have. No thanks!


Sawing specialist takes multi month waiting in US. 2-3 month is typical. That’s with insurance. But a lot of people do not have insurance. They simply can’t see those.

And as for paying more for Canadian system? That’s total nonsense. The total numbers for healthcare costs are very well known for US and Canada. Maybe you should Google them.

I’ve lived in the US my whole life, and lived in Canada for a few years, I don’t need to Google anything. Do you have any first hand experienced with the Candian health system? Or the typical talking points you read somewhere?

Also, Canada has the same health care everywhere, the US doesn’t, so you can’t make claims for the “US” health care system as a whole. Because it’s not one system.


I traveled to Canada like a lot, and talked to Canadians. They usually quite positive about their healthcare system. You honestly is the first guy who states the opposite (although, I do not talk to you in person). I live in US, and also talk about experience of other people. So, my point stands.

As for googling it - it is your statement that it costs for Canadians more to run their healthcare. So googling actual numbers help for such statement. But I will do it for you, using ChatGPT4, because I am lazy:

United States: In 2021, the National Health Expenditure (NHE) in the U.S. accounted for 18.3% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP)​​. Projections for the years 2022-2031 indicate that the average growth in NHE (5.4 percent) is expected to outpace that of average GDP growth (4.6 percent), resulting in an increase in the health spending share of GDP from 18.3 percent in 2021 to 19.6 percent in 2031​​. While specific data for 2023 is not directly quoted, this trend suggests a continued high percentage of GDP spent on healthcare.

Canada: In Canada, total health spending is expected to reach $344 billion in 2023, which is anticipated to represent 12.1% of Canada’s GDP​​.

Flying Squid

Ever need to see a specialist in the U.S.? Last time I needed a new neurologist, I had to wait 9 months. Thankfully, my GP doctor agreed to keep up with my medications in the mean time. Meanwhile, I’m thousands of dollars in medical debt.

Oh yeah, the U.S. system is so much better.

Yes, many times, as has my wife. Never even remotely waited like that. Nor have I ever had tons of medical debt as I have good ins. I live in a good state with medical saturation and there’s plenty of hospitals and staff to go around. Clearly not that way we’re you live, but you don’t get to blame the whole country because of your bad experience.

Flying Squid

And you don’t get to praise the whole country because your good experience.

And “I have good insurance” is not the great thing you think it is. I have good insurance. I also have a lot of health problems. Even good insurance doesn’t cover every hospital bill. You still end up paying lots of money out of pocket.

Not to mention that many people in this country do not have good insurance. Healthcare for them is either inaccessible or very expensive. If you have cancer in the U.S. and no health insurance, you just die. In Canada, you get treated. No matter how poor you are.

But then it sounds like poor people aren’t a concern of yours when it comes to American healthcare.

And I’m not even poor.

And you don’t get to praise the whole country because your good experience.

Good thing I never did that then huh? At no point would I ever (praise) our sick care system. But I’m also not going to pretend it’s what the people going for mismanaged gov’t controlled healthcare claim it is either.

Not to mention that many people in this country do not have good insurance. Healthcare for them is either inaccessible or very expensive. If you have cancer in the U.S. and no health insurance, you just die. In Canada, you get treated. No matter how poor you are.

There is and always has been health care for unemployed, and the poor. That’s not new. As far as your Cancer claim, BOTH my parents have had Cancer, all of it removed, twice with my mother, and my mother has also had 4 strokes, they’re both retired, own no home, and have terrible paying jobs. It’s all been covered, including prescriptions, no cost to them.

So stop putting words in my mouth.

Flying Squid

Good thing I never did that then huh?

Your words: “Waiting for months on end for a doctor you don’t get to choose after paying 4x in taxes for them, ya! Works awesome. Ever live in Canada? I have. No thanks!” So tacitly, you did. Because you were comparing Canada’s system to the U.S. system.

There is and always has been health care for unemployed, and the poor.

Bullshit. Not everyone poor qualifies for medicaid and medicaid often won’t pay for things like cancer medications. You really don’t know what you’re talking about.

Again- I’m not poor. I have good insurance. I’m thousands of dollars in debt. In Canada, I wouldn’t be. And I’m not sure why you think I’m unusual or an exception unless you literally only talk to wealthy people. Cancer kills poor people at a far higher rate than rich people. Because they can’t get cancer care.

Let me guess, I can’t extrapolate poor people not getting cancer care and dying of cancer because of it to the entire country.

Not really, its cheaper not to have the government blunder everything.


I would not call Canadian healthcare system a blunder. I would, however, in US. Free market is a great thing, but it requires a competition of both buyers and sellers and ability to try and fail. If failing means death for you, that’s not really a good match for the market, is not it? Same goes true for police, armed forces, courts and so on.

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