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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 27, 2023


That’s fair. I can’t say I spend much of my actual time being mad at Reddit. Just when it’s brought up in many contexts. I invested over a decade of my life on Reddit and watched it slowly turn to shit while I accepted the sunk cost until the blackout last year when I finally figured out that it just wasn’t worth it. I’m mad at myself too, but I’m mad at them for taking something that used to be great and enshittifying it for a chance at a big IPO, immediately after which spez sells half a million shares.

The whole thing was turned into a scheme to make spez and other executives rich (or richer anyway) at the IPO at the expense of Reddit. That’s what makes me mad.

This is why it’s good to be middle-aged. If anyone I know was described as my ‘friend in _____ school’ without naming them, I’d just assume it was someone I don’t remember anyway.

None of those were in range of where I lived. Someone who lived near me and couldn’t afford anywhere else would probably have an hour walk. Hope they don’t bleed out on the way.

And again- free clinics generally don’t maintain people’s cancer medication, let alone give them radiation or chemotherapy. Many poor people with cancer just die from it because they can’t afford cancer care. And that is true of a lot of other illnesses too. You need kidney dialysis? No free clinic for that. You have diabetes? Hope you can afford the insulin.

I have no idea what your life experiences are and free clinics don’t exist everywhere. In fact, I’ve lived in multiple places where there is no free clinic. Including South Gate, CA which is between Compton and Watts. No free clinic there. If you’re poor and sick, be prepared to walk for miles. Hope you can.

Also, free clinics generally don’t maintain people’s cancer medication, let alone give them radiation or chemotherapy.

But sure, call me a troll for talking about how expensive health care is and how inaccessible it is for the poor in the U.S. and how “good insurance” doesn’t mean shit when you have major chronic health problems which require multiple hospital visits and diagnostic work.

Good thing I never did that then huh?

Your words: “Waiting for months on end for a doctor you don’t get to choose after paying 4x in taxes for them, ya! Works awesome. Ever live in Canada? I have. No thanks!” So tacitly, you did. Because you were comparing Canada’s system to the U.S. system.

There is and always has been health care for unemployed, and the poor.

Bullshit. Not everyone poor qualifies for medicaid and medicaid often won’t pay for things like cancer medications. You really don’t know what you’re talking about.

Again- I’m not poor. I have good insurance. I’m thousands of dollars in debt. In Canada, I wouldn’t be. And I’m not sure why you think I’m unusual or an exception unless you literally only talk to wealthy people. Cancer kills poor people at a far higher rate than rich people. Because they can’t get cancer care.

Let me guess, I can’t extrapolate poor people not getting cancer care and dying of cancer because of it to the entire country.

And you don’t get to praise the whole country because your good experience.

And “I have good insurance” is not the great thing you think it is. I have good insurance. I also have a lot of health problems. Even good insurance doesn’t cover every hospital bill. You still end up paying lots of money out of pocket.

Not to mention that many people in this country do not have good insurance. Healthcare for them is either inaccessible or very expensive. If you have cancer in the U.S. and no health insurance, you just die. In Canada, you get treated. No matter how poor you are.

But then it sounds like poor people aren’t a concern of yours when it comes to American healthcare.

And I’m not even poor.

Ever need to see a specialist in the U.S.? Last time I needed a new neurologist, I had to wait 9 months. Thankfully, my GP doctor agreed to keep up with my medications in the mean time. Meanwhile, I’m thousands of dollars in medical debt.

Oh yeah, the U.S. system is so much better.

Did it fail or was it intentionally ignored?

If you don’t look at ads on USA Today’s website, YOU HATE AMERICA.

Assume any encrypted system can be decrypted at some point anyway. The best encryption is at the source- your language and the way you present the message you want to keep hidden.

Of course, this does not apply to people who just want their general conversation encrypted. To you, I say you’re out of luck and I’m sorry.