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Cake day: Jun 06, 2023


That got me too… Webp is pretty sick actually

Except, no sexual harassment actually happened.

That lady said there is smoke, and you said OK let’s put this fire out. Meanwhile, the fire department called you and said that there is no smoke here and no fire. Yet, you show up, garden hose in hand yelling come on guys let’s put this fire out!!!

There is no fire. She lied. It happens. Sometimes people do stupid shit for clout. That doesn’t mean that you need to assume all women are lying when they claim sexual harassment.

What it does mean is that instead of believing all women without question, you should instead hear them out, then investigate, and if the evidence is there, then you support them and amplify their claims.

Supporting women can be expressed in demanding investigations into their claims.

Sometimes people lie. It’s very important that you understand this. Believing anyone without question is outright stupid. However clearly there is a trend with women being sexually harassed. Because that trend exists then that lends more credence to their claims. And they should be taken VERY seriously. The claims should not be dismissed, but investigated.

In this case, the claims were investigated and found to be untrue.

Oh fuck off, they were found to not have done anything that was alleged. You were wrong, suck it up and apologize.

Bro. Be better.



Your use of these words make me think that you don’t understand what they mean. Go ahead, use brave all you want. Big oof.

Dude, there is degoogled chromium, and various other blink engine choices, but touting brave as a “superior” option? Oof. Big oof.

On the gecko side of things, there are a ton of great choices as well. All of them are better in every single way than brave.

The irony of posting from infosec about how superior Brave is. Bruh moment.

These apps cannot find addresses in the US. Just a heads up so anyone that sees this doesn’t pull their hair out trying to figure it out. No, it isn’t you, it’s the app.

More than decent, they are fantastic.

AirDroid. It’s not free, but it’s pretty good(or at least it was, years ago)

No they can’t. Single payer means that all the control is in the governments hands, because there are plenty of providers and only one payer for the entire 300+ million Americans. This is how single payer works. Medicare does this, for example.

In the current system there is 0 incentive to lower prices. The incentive becomes to charge as much as will be maximally paid.

Before you try to argue, the nhs, Canadian healthcare system, and pretty much every developed country that isn’t the US, would like to have a word.

"I don’t want to pay the government $20 a month for universal healthcare. I want to pay a private company $200 a month for healthcare that is only covered at select locations by select facilities by select doctors and can be denied at any time by the insurance company. Freedom!“

How did Americans become so stupid?

Hermit app make PWAs a realistic alternative

Windows 12 is not going subscription. This was a bad take by a worse source (who apologized).

Stop spreading this shit!

traditional marriage

You’re the only one who believes your bullshit. You aren’t fooling anyone, or being sneaky. Everyone is very well aware of what you’re actually saying.

I’ve used Firefox for years and never seen an ad pushed by it.


Even though they tell anyone who will listen that Firefox is a private browser, they push their own ads in the browser and have even tried pushing 3rd party ads (for some animation movie).

Is straight up horseshit.

Mozilla is tangled up with social/political advocacy and virtue signals too hard.

This leads me to believe that you’re a right winger. So yeah, a company trying to better the lives of others would naturally feel like oppression to you.

I had to look up firings, because that sounded weird to me, and I was right, you are delusional. https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2020/08/firefox-maker-mozilla-lays-off-250-workers-says-covid-19-lowered-revenue/

Mozilla Corporation is laying off 250 people, about a quarter of its workforce, explaining that the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly lowered revenue. Mozilla previously had about 1,000 employees.

But most importantly, share of Firefox users have dropped over the past decades from a comfortable lead to less than 3% today.

Firefox was memory hungry back in the 2010ish era and kinda sluggish. Chrome came along and was sleek and fast and Google was a good guy back then. Firefox has since been completely rewritten and is now blazingly fast and provides for an excellent browsing experience.

So I was right, your take is bizarre.

Who said I love moZilla? It wasn’t me. I like Mozilla because they have directly had an impact of making my web browsing experience better. They have put a focus on security and privacy and continue to ship a product that is objectively better than the competition.

How is “why do you love Mozilla” a better question than “why do you hate Mozilla”? You are the one that said you hate Mozilla, and then you decided in your own mind that me calling your take weird was me saying that I love Mozilla.

So I’ll ask the question directly… why on earth do you hate Mozilla? Imo, that is a bizarre take.

Why on earth do you hate Mozilla? What an odd take…

No. Do not use chromium based browsers, period.

Firefox + unlock origin is all you need