I am not comfortable that signal depends proprietary google library. However, I find that Molly lags significantly behind signal (around 1 to 2 weeks, so maybe not as significant as I thought), but I am just concerned that if there is a security fix in signal, molly will not be able to react as fast.

I am also quite frustrated with the general lack of communication from the signal team (for example the lack of communication regarding username). I doubt they will have the good will to help molly when there is a critical security fix.

It is frustrating that signal no longer seems like the gold standard for privacy any more; unfortunately, all my friends are on there (ironic, isn’t it…).


@baseless_discourse The gold standard has always been XMPP. It’s the IETF Internet Standard for messaging, no walled gardens, ability to self-host, no phone numbers required and modern clients use the same end-to-end encryption protocol as Signal does.

It’s not the same encryption, it’s based on the same double ratchet design that’s it


Is there a community for XMPP? I would like to know what clients people use on iOS. So far I found them all to be pretty insufficient.


@matricaria There is a community around XMPP. Of course you will find most of them in public XMPP channels, but many are also active in the Fediverse/Mastodon. I don’t have any Apple devices, but a few of my friends use Monal ( @Monal ) which seems to be the most reliable client on iOS currently.

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