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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 01, 2023


you can do a puppet bridge for your discord account so it bridges all the guilds your in to matrix without needing discord guild admins to add the bridge to it

did you host your own matrix homeserver or use matrix.org? that can change how fast it feels massively and yeah built in moderation tools are pretty much nonexistant https://github.com/the-draupnir-project/Draupnir is the only moderation bot that you can run to ban users from all rooms at once if they break your rules and lets you subscribe to banlists so if a user spams in other rooms that have write access and gets added they’ll be banned from your rooms as well

They only recently made it quantum resistant, so I don’t think that whatsapp is using that version

It’s much more then just that they harden it even more and have great features like contact and storage scopes where apps only get access to what you give them and you can fully block apps from connecting to the Internet by denying the Internet permission at install those are just the privacy enhancements https://grapheneos.org/features for all they do to improve security

No they don’t, matrix has partial forward security, it does rotate the keys for messages, not for every message, but it does rotate them for all users in an encrypted room if a user has a new login so that session can’t read past messages until it gets keys shared by verifying with another session, same for when a user joins the room and maybe leaves the room

It’s not the same encryption, it’s based on the same double ratchet design that’s it

Olm is used to secure sending keys to sessions while megolm is used to encrypt messages in rooms