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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


That’s good, I just wouldn’t give lastpass the privilege of taking out my trash at this point.

Yeh it’s just random word and 4 numbers if you ask for the numbers.

Skiff is great. They even generate an @random.maskmy.id so you can type anything before @. It’s nothing new but great since you can set 5 static aliases also.

Just encrypt what you don’t want to share and leave open what you do. Bit locker or equivalent.

I’ve deployed ublock origin in my gpo. Edge and chrome for all users. I’m fed up of the absolute ad ridden malware messes Google and bing let through.

Microsoft sell advanced EDR but let people pay to comprise your pc.

How do they have a close relationship with the CIA?

I’m just waiting with baited breath to see how far this goes. It’s astounding, it’s incomprehensible that we would even entertain the idea of backdooring e2e.

This is something we really need competition on. In fact, proton are doing strong solid work as a whole.

I agree with most of your points although the android app is fast for me. The autofill isn’t great I must stress.

The windows app and autofill need an overhaul.

It’s so good that people think we are paid to promote it. Kinda sad that really. It’s pretty evident that we aren’t shills. Use my code: shill20

I’ve been to a lot of events the past 2 years and ticket master are the only one to fuck up. They changed the event location and said in the app the tickets would update. They never did. Never got a refund as it was a bank holiday weekend and that’s apparently my fault.

Absolute scum cunts.

Ahh. Is imagus next? But this Dev seem legit. Might use his to be safe now.