I’m seeking recommendations for mp games where I could make friends so

  • must run on Linux
  • must have a multiplayer element
  • said multiplayer must not rely on you already having friends, so it must include an alive function finding you a team
  • must have a function to communicate and add people you played with afterwards

The games I know of, which fullfil these (obviously tired of these, hence why seeking more):

  • Deep Rock Galactic
  • Dead by Daylight
  • Guild Wars 2
  • League of Legends
  • Overwatch 2 (possible issues with client on Linux)

I live in a country where I don’t speak the language, I moved here not to go homeless in the previous country and I really miss any human connections. I will appreciate the recs.



I second this, and guild wars 2.

This is the one. Just find a veteran who will adopt you and join their guild. Cue years of friendship and fun


400 hours in and I’m not even really at endgame content. 10/10 would recommend the space ninja game.

I quit the game 5000h in, keep at it

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