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Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


We’re not even remotely close to one of the oldest, lmao. Take crocs, coelacanths, horseshoe crabs, etc

Same. I have medium-large hands and I’m a big g600 simp Edit: if you’re thinking about something wireless, the mxmaster mice are super comfy.

I want it to be durable and at a budget of 20-35€

Nevermind. Good luck!

Which country would that be? This is EU related.

I don’t disagree with you otherwise. If we had a good age verification system that didn’t involve the website, only gave a boolean age check to the website, wasn’t logged at the government or any other level, I might think this was ok. But we don’t. So as soon as this starts I’ll pirate a bunch of porn.

Nice, wish I had seen this before I sent them a message, lmao. It’s good news that they’re looking into it though.

Sorry, no idea… I don’t know anything about that gpu, never heard of it.

3070, driver version 535.113.01, kubuntu, GE-Proton8-20 works fine.

I had a 970 and now a 3070. Used both with Kubuntu and they worked well enough but not on Wayland.

This is the one. Just find a veteran who will adopt you and join their guild. Cue years of friendship and fun

Sometimes when I update my nvidia drivers on kubuntu, my monitors go fully black, and I have to reboot. Sometimes, after that, it refuses to load at all, and I have to enter safe mode, enable networking, open a root terminal, run the holy arcane incantations, sacrifice a few years of lifespan to the gods, reboot once more, and if my arcane incantations were correct, the gods bless me with a few more months of working PC