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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Sep 16, 2023


I tried DOTA multiple times. Some of the people were really cool (I didn’t know there was VC and people were speaking, so when I found out how to speak myself, I told them I didn’t know of vc and thought I was hearing voices and they found it hilarious), but I don’t like the gameplay. Not saying LoL is better, as they ruined any semblance of balance and don’t seem to even know how to balance classes, but DOTA just doesn’t do it for me.

I’m waiting on Palia’s final release. I did beta testing, but I’m getting extremely tired of unfinished content, especially after my recent experiences.

I tried RPs and I really, deeply hated them. Made me cringe a lot. It’s not a leisure for me. Thank you for proposing, though, maybe someone else will try.

Many players don’t want to interact in MMOs. I used to add random people around me to group and play with them on a whim. No one accepts anymore. People play MMOs as solo games…

I tried ESO, WOW, FF14. I used to be huge on MMOs as a teenager, but I think I grew out of them? I no longer find myself capable of enjoying any of them. I used to play stuff like Perfect World and Forsaken World. I’ll look into Payday, I was unaware it had premade.

From Ireland to Germany, and before that from UK (unfortunately didn’t get a citizenship before leaving, so I cannot get back, I don’t want to elaborate on my life story and family situation, if you don’t mind). I tried Minecraft, but I’m not into Sandbox. I’d be happy being someone’s mule, but no one sought that where I tried playing, so I gave my account to someone who couldn’t afford one and moved on.

Linux-compatible multiplayer games to make new friends in? [seeking recommendations]
I'm seeking recommendations for mp games where I could make friends so - must run on Linux - must have a multiplayer element - said multiplayer must not rely on you already having friends, so it must include an alive function finding you a team - must have a function to communicate and add people you played with afterwards The games I know of, which fullfil these (obviously tired of these, hence why seeking more): - Deep Rock Galactic - Dead by Daylight - Guild Wars 2 - League of Legends - Overwatch 2 (possible issues with client on Linux) I live in a country where I don't speak the language, I moved here not to go homeless in the previous country and I really miss any human connections. I will appreciate the recs.