I couldn’t find a post in this community about cameras so I figured I’d make one. Requirements:

  • No “sign up” required to record video
  • Video is stored locally
  • Video is in a non-propriatary format
  • Can work offline

Optional/Discussion Points:

  • Can wireless connectivity be hardware disabled
  • Can auto-update be disabled
  • Does the device try to “phone home” if it is connected to wifi
  • Disk encryption would be nice but I doubt that’ll be an option for anything other than self-hosted stuff

Does anyone know about Lorex (it seems more privacy centered)?

I’m highly technical, so feel free to mention self hosted raspberry pi soltuions as well.

unifi doorbell does this. you are not required to connect it to the internet. it is wifo only though (the doorbell itself)

All unify systems phone home.

I was going to suggest the same. My understanding is it’s pretty secure but does phone home. The video is not uploaded and phoning home is for remote access and log in. It’s expensive, though unless you’re going to be using the other features.

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A place to discuss privacy and freedom in the digital world.

Privacy has become a very important issue in modern society, with companies and governments constantly abusing their power, more and more people are waking up to the importance of digital privacy.

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