‘AI is reliant on mass surveillance’ and we should be cautious, warns head of messaging app | 7.30
Our data is valuable. The information we share online is being used for all sorts of things - to spy on us, influence the advertising we see, train algorithm...

I have yet to meet a person who gives a shit about AI. I have yet to meet a person who has intentionally used AI. It’s all marketing bs and a way to mine our data.

I’m in university. Every student uses chatGPT. Constantly.

In our last exam, the prof basically just said “cat’s out of the bag, you can use chatGPT in the exam” (he gives open note exams).

I use LLMs just about every day. It’s better than web-search for certain things, and is useful for some coding tasks. I think they’re over-hyped by some people, but they are useful.

I had a classmate that was really exstatic about AI, like he basically believed its the second coming of christ. And then another one who was like “ohh look i can use this to make neat wallpapers”. That was about all the resonance i got from my social circles.

It isn’t.

I runs it local on my machine


I don’t like the idea o LLMs everywhere, but I do use chatgpt quite a lot as a point of entrance to any topic that I might not know the existence of yet

Possibly linux

Run a free model local

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