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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Oct 13, 2023


I don’t like the idea o LLMs everywhere, but I do use chatgpt quite a lot as a point of entrance to any topic that I might not know the existence of yet

the problem isn’t switching, the problem is making all the other people using It to switch too, not everyone cares about security or ads

Fair point! See my answer on the other user’s message where I talk about targeted patronization instead of overall subscription, I’d love to hear your opinion about it

I’m not trying to criticize anyone here for their choices, I’m just curious about the actual effects of such a subscription.

As of now the most basic one is 14usd/month, how much of that money gets to the creators that you Want to support? As of the writing of this response I don’t know this information nor searched about It. Do we have an actual diagram or any information saying how much are you contributing for each channel you are subscribed to?

Suppose you are subscribed to 28 channels and the sub money gets distributed evenly, that’s 50 cents a Month to everyone, not much “paying their due” in my opinion.

Now if you really really want to patronize one, two or three channels, wouldn’t sending money directly to them or paying their exclusive membership be a more reasonable way to go about It?

why would you do something so barbaric as paying yt premium?

not sarcasm joke, really curious