• 2 Posts
Joined 24d ago
Cake day: Jun 06, 2024


It is fully open-source. The distribution of the application is completely unrelated. You can still read the code and verify the build you’re running.

How would that prevent you from forking the app? F-droid isn’t a repository for the code of the app. I don’t think this is related at all.

I don’t actually know the reason why it’s not on F-droid but I assume it has some historical reason. It has never been on F-drroid since Text-secure. Moxy Marlinspike was strictly against it afaik. If somebody has more detail on it, feel free to share it.

It was postponed yesterday. My post is from earlier before it was announced that it was postponed. And the article I posted was from that day I posted it.

What you’re probably referring to was the earlier attempt to get this through. This was years ago actually. They refined the bill and tried again this year. This is what this is.