Looking for a note-taking app, preferably that I could use straight from a browser. I’m currently using Standard Notes. Not sure if that one is any good, but E2EE and open-source which at least checks those boxes. I don’t store anything too sensitive and I don’t need a whole bunch of features, though I suppose I’d use them if they were available.

I’m honestly not too picky but maybe discussion here could help someone else out who may be looking for the same thing with higher expectations? I’ll switch over to a better option if there’s something considerably better.

Thanks in advance

I’ve used Joplin for a while and it’s solid.

I also use Joplin, I self host Joplin server for the sync, with e2ee enabled. It’s been rock solid for me.

Oh that’s cool. Didn’t know you could self-host the server. I’ll have to check that out.

I really like using Joplin Server. For awhile I was syncing through nextcloud, but in the end nextcloud didn’t really work for me so I switched my Joplin notes over.

I second Joplin. I’ve also used it for a while and I find it easy to use and flexible.


What do you use for synchronization? Or do you only store everything locally?

I sync through OneDrive. I like that Joplin encrypts on-device so I don’t have to worry about the privacy policy of the cloud I’m syncing though.


That’s a good point actually, I never thought about that. I might do Joplin with Dropbox in that case

Bri Guy

For me I’m syncing to my Nextcloud instance that’s running on my raspberry pi

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