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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


I get it constantly. When I run into it, I just nope out. Isn’t worth my time to fight it

I think you’d need to sync it to the android client, rather than import it. I self host Joplin server for my sync backend, and use the app across my mobile and desk computers. I don’t love Joplin, but it’s the best self hosted, private, end to end encrypted notes app available on all platforms that I could find.

I really like using Joplin Server. For awhile I was syncing through nextcloud, but in the end nextcloud didn’t really work for me so I switched my Joplin notes over.

I also use Joplin, I self host Joplin server for the sync, with e2ee enabled. It’s been rock solid for me.

This pisses me off as well. All the advertising was/is “VPN! Privacy protected!” As if it’s that simple. All this fud about VPN feels like a combo of blowback from shitty advertising practices. When you combine that with government efforts to take away encryption, VPNs, and other privacy tools; what’s coming is gonna be a bleak panopticon.

The tablet and mobile limitations really suck. I edit my photos on my iPad, (and privacy issues aside), I love the iPad for this, and don’t have any plans to abandon it.

I’d consider a pixel with graphene, but not until the phone I have dies/is unusable.

Yeah. That’s some real bullshit. As soon as I can get functional Linux on my M1 Mac mini, I plan to.

Yeah. Apple is super slimy. They just hide it better. I’d like to move away from Apple entirely, but I’m kinda stuck right now. I can’t afford to just get rid of perfectly good phones and tablets to try and replace them with better privacy options.

I do what I can to protect my privacy on apple devices, but I don’t trust them at all.

+1 for Jellyfin with Finamp (or Fintunes). Also what I use and it’s fabulous.

Let’s be fair. Apple doesn’t do this quite so blatantly and egregiously, but they do it. They collect plenty of telemetry, and it’s getting harder to opt-out of/block it with their own chipsets.

Edit: I say this as an Apple user.