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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


I’m experimenting with the Music Assistant add-on but it seems to be early days for that project. Could be awesome though as it combines media libraries from services (e.g. YouTube music) and self-hosted things (e.g. Navidrome) and plugs them into the Home Assistant ecosystem.


I’d recommend looking at the Wyoming/Piper/Rhasspy system. There’s some really good minds working on it and it’s got a big community behind it already. It’s also plug and play with Home Assistant which is awesome. It’s the system I use and while I’m still fine tuning it for my use cases it’s already pretty great.

Haven’t used it yet, but Proton has a beta desktop app that might be what you’re looking for.

Oh that’s cool. Didn’t know you could self-host the server. I’ll have to check that out.

I sync through OneDrive. I like that Joplin encrypts on-device so I don’t have to worry about the privacy policy of the cloud I’m syncing though.

Just jumping in to say I had the same thing. Deleted account and got that same email.

Most people don’t appreciate link posts without summaries of the content. I’m one of these people. I don’t like clicking links unless I know at least an idea of what’s on the other side of the link. Is it worth my time? Is it worth my attention? Providing summaries of linked content gives a start to the conversation and keeps us from turning this forum into a clickbait-filled platform.