Against #chatcontrol
Something terrible is happening in the EU and we need help to stop it

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Contact your MEP:

Edit: Article linked is from 2002 (overview of why this legislation is bad), but it is coming up for a vote on the 19th see

These laws are being passed by politicians who generally don’t understand technology. What they will achieve is a reduction in privacy and liberty for every citizen in the EU and easier methods to clamp down on dissent. Just because it’s not technically perfect or difficult to implement fully doesn’t mean it’s not a threat. It’s one step closer totalitarianism, and what’s stopping totalitarianism is everyday people, one step at a time, battling it back.

A more cynical take is that they understand very well, but are being compensated by big tech for looking the other way.

Good people often can’t comprehend how evil people work, and they say “everyone makes mistakes”, or “they don’t understand fully”. Because we want to think that everyone is mostly good.

It’s not like that. :/

It was found that johannson was lobbied by non-profit funded by ai startup that develop csam detect and groom detect and other bullshit. startup from the us

our politician now get bribed by us company. what the fuck?


This is the unfortunate but absolute truth.

Well I get that they are stupid, but unless it’s their fetish to catch 14 year olds trying to spread rubbish propaganda, I doubt they’re going to get much. Any reporter, activist and consumer knows that anything they put on these apps goes straight to the NSA’s and MI6’s AI algorithms at the very least, and now they’re going to go to the rest of Europe.

Yes, we should be protesting against this. Does Europe have an equivalents of the EFF to fight for such rights?

I have to strongly disagree, you overestimate what people know/can/want to do. Some, sure, but not the majority. They either stay ignorant or are too lazy. Just look at add blocker usage. I can not even imagine to live without them, but here we are, I am the tiny minority! Most either do not care or are too stupid or somehow happen to not know about them.

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