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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 26, 2023



Telepathy is the translation of thought into transmissible signals without sound that can be received and understood either by computer or others.

Ah well then this post is telepathy. What an odd “definition”.

I have to strongly disagree, you overestimate what people know/can/want to do. Some, sure, but not the majority. They either stay ignorant or are too lazy. Just look at add blocker usage. I can not even imagine to live without them, but here we are, I am the tiny minority! Most either do not care or are too stupid or somehow happen to not know about them.

Nobody pays money to buy your location. Why should anyone do that? At the same time while you are that on the fence, you use Yandex? That does not make any sense.

For me, it has essentially only gotten better, which is why I wondered what is getting so bad. With 10 or 11 I hardly have to help people with things. But yeah, privacy etc. is clearly getting worse.

Good points. Non of them affect me personally or the family where I do support, but still. Maybe I don’t see that as most are still on W10.

If people want to use thousands separators (and they should, if they want to not-use prefixes like kilo, Mega) they should use ’ so for example 100’000 $. Zero potential for misunderstandings.

Why not just with the phone…?