Conviction of Tornado Cash programmer: Privacy is not a crime!
On Tuesday a Dutch court sentenced the programmer Alexey Pertsev to five years in prison. The court found him guilty of money laundering because the "Tornado Cash" software he developed enables criminals to carry out completely anonymous and untraceable crypto transactions (so-called "crypto mixer")

This entire thread chain is in place to suggest that only guns which are designed to kill, should have their manufacturs liable for what other people do with the product. No other industry was brought up, just guns. Why? Because at the end of the day, you’re all for complete bans, and no amount of “nuh uh, we’re fine with hunting rifles” or whatever else bullshit, that’s the end goal…you just try and sugar coat it so you can try and gain some support for the idea.

Uh, I started this thread, and I brought up other products: electric chairs and the guillotine.

And, no, hunting rifles are the worst kind of guns. They are definitely designed for killing. But my point was that not all guns are designed for killing.

Thread chain == thread. I was talking about noodle…and wtf why are hunting rifles the worst type?

It was a single example as a thought exercise.

All the rest are words you’re putting on other people’s mouths.

No I’m not, that’s literally the end goal of all people who are anti-gun.

There you go again, putting words in even more people’s mouths.

Anyway, what would that have to do with the fact that guns are tools.designed specifically for killing?

Naa that’s literally the end goal. It’s pointless to sugar coat it.

Because I’m not the one suggesting that companies be liable for what people do with their products. Way more people a year die from alcohol than guns (it’s like a 3xs as many) and alcohol has no other purpose but a vice, yet you’re probably not going to suggest that companies be liable for drunk drivers who kill people, nor are you going to suggest that they cover all the alcohol related health issues…are you.

No, guns are just tools designed specifically for killing.

I mean I’ve already pointed out other uses, but ok…

No, you haven’t. You’ve given some examples of how they are useful due to being tools designed specifically for killing, though.

Yea sports shooting is totally useful because they’re made to kill paper targets and clay doves. Sure thing

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