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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


If you count each boob separately, that’s 14,000.

You can just reply “scam” and save yourself the time and agony of watching tick tocks without sacrificing the accuracy of your response.

Yes, it’s possible to practice using tools designed specifically for killing. Cars are tools designed specifically for transport, and people have contests for driving those, too.

No, you haven’t. You’ve given some examples of how they are useful due to being tools designed specifically for killing, though.

There you go again, putting words in even more people’s mouths.

Anyway, what would that have to do with the fact that guns are tools.designed specifically for killing?

It was a single example as a thought exercise.

All the rest are words you’re putting on other people’s mouths.

Where did I suggest magical bans? You’re projecting a ton of your own insecurities onto me.

None of your rant contradicts the fact that guns are tools designed specifically for killing.

The fuck? Vets do much, much more than just euthanize animals. What do guns do other than shoot projectiles intended to kill?

How do guns defend without using the threat of violence? How do they act as a physical shield?

Yes, it’s possible to practice using tools designed specifically for killing. Cars are tools designed specifically for transport, and people have contests for driving those, too.

Why is it so hard for you to accept that guns are tools designed specifically for killing? That’s literally just what they are.

How does hunting not involve killing?

How does such military defense not involve the act or threat of killing?

No, guns are tools designed specifically for killing. They have no use as defense if they can’t kill. They’re not shields. You also can’t hammer a nail with a gun, or cut a steak with a gun.

I dunno. If you manufacture tools designed specifically for killing, for example, you’ve definitely played a part in somebody’s use of your tools for killing.

Even just encrypting it before transmission would have prevented this, and still allowed them to harvest data.

There’s no excuse for a buffer overflow in a caching component to lead to a security hole like this. If the data were properly encrypted and could only be decrypted by the client on their own device, the result would have been users simply not seeing videos instead of being able to view others’.

Ah yes, the eternal solution to privacy concerns: pyramid schemes.

Especially ironic since DDG is just Bing under the hood.

You get pretty good at it after you do a couple. I also came up with a way to manually start a platform service with strace and a custom SELinux context, but that was a few years ago and I left all of that work with my previous employer.

Just decompile Qualcomm’s platform service and stub out the right system calls!

Chipsets don’t make network requests. More likely some closed-source platform service does.

Hades will probably never leave that list. It’ll probably even trickle closer to the top after Hades 2 comes out.

Oh shit, I missed that they axed the port forwarding. Good thing I already set up alternate tunnels.