Honestly yeah. There’s been some controversies in the past, but for someone who’s looking for a zero-effort way to browse privately and support the privacy scene (DDG donates a lot of money) it’s a great choice. Wouldn’t recommend their browser/extensions though

Compared to Chrome their browser is probably better for privacy and also zero-effort, if you can get past the lack of features. I think using it as a private/incognito window is pretty feasible, but yeah, it’s hard to recommend as a default browser

Why not use Firefox for a privacy browser?

I use it as my default phone browser. I like it just because it doesn’t have any history at all unless you whitelist a site (they call it fireproofing). Not that I don’t want anyone to see what I’ve looked at on the internet, but because I don’t care what I’ve already seen.

The other browsers, and especially searches, all pop up your most recent searches. They keep a history of it. Even fucking wikipedia does it. It’s annoying. DDG is just simply there, and that’s a great experience for me when I browse.

All the privacy stuff went out the window years ago. I’m not concerned with all that.

I’m OOTL on DDG donations? What kinds of projects/people do they donate to, and how does that benefit pirates?

I’m srey for the confusion, with “privacy scene” I meant orgs that fight for privacy/freedom on the internet, like Tor, EFF, Fight for the future and more. You can see who they donated to from their blog https://spreadprivacy.com/2022-duckduckgo-charitable-donations/

Definitely would agree with this. The best of a bad bunch. I use it for nearly all my search.

Did see some sketchy stuff with the android app/browser so probably would avoid… and besides, I’m in a decades long relationship with firefox <3.

Exactly, there’s just no reason to use anything other than firefox on desktop

On mobile IN MY EXPERIENCE Firefox has always been unbearably slow. I’ve tried everything: getting it from play store, F-Droid and github, using the beta and nightly version, tried it with and without extensions: it sometimes took 10+ seconds to load some pages, I don’t know why. It’s been like this on other smartphone models too.

That’s why I use brave from mobile, it’s blazing fast and it has a lot of nice features, starting from the amazing bottom bar to their solid integrated adblocker and dark mode.

Do you use Firefox on mobile as well? I use the DDG browser and don’t whether I should switch. Haven’t heard what exactly is wrong with it, yet.

+1 for Firefox on android.

Well it’s chrome

Firefox for Android is great, and after some initial teething problems, it’s been solid for a long time.

I remember seeing on reddit a story about a guy who created something and I think suggested DDG stole some of his work and packaged it up as their own. I cannot find it anymore, but remember seeing it at the time and it seemed convincing (even though I was using DDG search and was a fan of their work). I still use them, but not for everything and I remain skeptical. FF is open source, and has been pretty trustworthy for a long time imho.


I use Firefox almost exclusively on android and have nothing but glowing praise for it, it’s a solid experience

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