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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Jul 04, 2023


Just like how Windows Explorer was stopped because it was such a good product?

Lots of accounts ask for name and other proof. Credit cards, id, etc.

Sadly it’s the norm now.

And it can be very wrong about those locations, too. For better or worse, idk. My old phone showed me going to completely different cities on the other side of my state when I went to the corner store.

I know. I’m curious if it’s listed in there or if it’s ommited.

That’s true, I agree. Not sure what that has to do with anything here but ok.

I am fun at parties. I actually go to them. And I don’t worry about things like how much my freaking CPAP machine is spying on me lmao

Ok. What privacy exactly are you concerned with?

The kind of data logged by the machine is how often they stop breathing, and how long they sleep. That’s literally all it does.

You can’t be concerned about the data it transmits and also say the data it transmits doesn’t matter in the context.

Yeah OPs concerns are overkill.

They’ve already shared on a public forum that anyone can read far more information than anyone could get from “hacking” a CPAP.

What would a hacker even do with it? They would… maybe know how often you stop breathing at night?

Doesn’t OpenOffice have the ability to edit Office files?
It’s been awhile, I could be wrong.

I’d also like to know this. Hopefully someone can provide some info for us.

I found this looking around the site:

In order to get this extra level of protection, your browser needs to have a fingerprint which is either:

so common that a tracker can’t tell you apart from the crowd (as in Tor Browser), or

randomized so that a tracker can’t tell it’s you from one moment to the next (as in Brave browser).

Google’s Chrome browser does not provide protection against trackers or fingerprinters in Incognito Mode.

I could have worded my response better myself.
I’m looking forward to your next rant, tbh

You’re good, no worries. You created a lot of dialog, and most of it is helpful. I’m not complaining.

That’s part of my point. Most people just don’t know.
That’s like telling someone to just tune their carburator.

What would be considered interactive vs static? How would I explain that to someone, for example?

You don’t think anyone is here to learn how to be more private on the Internet? You just expect everyone to already know everything

Friends and family don’t know what cleaning a URL means. Nobody does.

Thanks for the heads up. Interesting read. Pretty much confirms my suspicion that collecting data isn’t really about you, it’s just the patterns they care about.

This would be really interesting if you documented your attempts.

Do you have any sources for this? Or is this something people in the suburbs tell each other over a campfire.

Seems like way too much over thinking for something you say you won’t even hardly use. Like going to different grocery stores so no one knows what one you’re going to buy from next or something.

I like it. I tend to use it more than Firefox recently. It seems to load most sites faster.
Not having a bunch of tabs remain open all the time is great. FF refuses to close them no matter what setting I use, and I always forget about them so it’ll have like ten tabs in the background for no reason.
I also dgaf about what I searched for or where I went previously, so not having a history is great.

FF is mainly my YouTube app.

I hear you. I turned the phone off when I opened a beer so I wouldn’t text or post. Then I got sober and I completely dropped Facebook without even noticing because I’d already been not going there while drunk. It’s even worse sober lol.

I gotta say, an apathy tree is an awesome idea. I like that.