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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 18, 2023


It’s nothing fancy I just needed more CPU power on my router. I’m not saying it makes sense to use a hardware key to access the internet on router level, I’m just saying it works.

openBSD is actually kinda common base for routers. Also why would I hide a router in some inaccessible corner?

Why can’t you use FIDO2 hardware keys on a router? I have a PC running openBSD as a Router and I can use hardware keys.

Also git fetch, git pull & git push every once in a while please

Yes I know, just as you could just install a different browser on Windows, but because it’s shipping Edge by default, it needs to also provide easier access to the other browsers. Guys, I’m not making up those laws, I’m not fighting for them, I just share the way it works.

When Epic drops a Linux launcher, it will probably be forced to easily include those store fronts just as the EU forces those things now upon Apple and Microsoft.

No they support it because of Azure Cloud and DotNet applications. But in some point in time, epic will probably deliver a Linux client and then Valve will probably be forced to make it easier to get the launcher, because they ship steam per default. It’s the same thing the EU is cracking down on with Apple and Microsoft.

Microsoft supports SteamDeck. They are platinum sponsor of the Linux Foundation.

I never said valve should be forced to deliver heroic. Epic will in some point in time release a Linux client.

And no it wouldn’t force Steam and Epic to come preinstalled on a Windows computer, because the Steam Deck ships steam per default. Windows ships Edge and is forced to make it easier to get other browsers. Its really not that complicated.

Question of time that EU will force valve to make it easier to access other shops. Just like its happening on Windows and iOS

Maybe because the OS was called raspbian in the beginning?

So you think we are roughly 81K People?

If I remember correct, Samsung uses Chrome binaries for the Android WebView

Duckduckgo uses an Android WebView, which is, depending on your OS, either Chrome or Chromium

Well the article you linked stated that as bad thing for matrix… Have you read the article? Just think about it the same way but with XMPP

And its centralized andnogt self hostable :D

Have you checked the XMPP default settings? Its not even e2ee



You can ARP spoof a network and also serve spoofed certs resulting in the ability to resolve them. But I can see, if your not an expert, it’s hard to see the difference between reality and Navy CIS

If I’m on the same network, it is possible to have a MITM attack and resolve the content of the SSL cert.

10 years ago the Samsung Galaxz S4 released, let’s compare its specs with the current phone

Samsung Galaxzy S4 <> Galaxy S23

Display size: 5" <> 6.1"

Resolutuion: Full HD <> 120hz 2k AMOLED

CPU: 4x1.6 GHz Cortex-A15 & 4x1.2 GHz Cortex-A7 <> 1x3.36 GHz Cortex-X3 & 2x2.8 GHz Cortex-A715 & 2x2.8 GHz Cortex-A710 & 3x2.0 GHz Cortex-A510

RAM: 2GB <> 8GB

Storage: 16-64GB <;> 128-512GB

The question is, do you want to run 10 year old hardware even if its software is supported?

I’m running graphene for over a year now and its great