Spanish police requested information from Apple, and encrypted services Proton and Wire, about a pro-Catalan independence activist.

By the way, the earlier posted article had an update starting at the paragraph with title Update: Statement from Proton and additional commentary

I think it’s not the services fault that people aren’t aware of the limits of encrypted services. They are not going to shut everythin’ down just for a few people, if you need smth anonymous Proton is not for you.

Also, it’s your task to have good opsec. If you give your iCloud email to Proton which has personal information sticked to it, your fault.

if you need smth anonymous Proton is not for you.

I mean, there are better options, but you can also use Proton anonymously. Just have to use it appropriately. If you use it to send your name to the FBI, there ain’t nothin Proton can do about that. Same if you link a recovery email linked to a personal account.

Imagine talking about opsec and iCloud in the same sentence 🫣🤭

if you need smth anonymous Proton is not for you.

Oh it is for you, but you have to be careful. Proton won’t try to find out info you didn’t give them, but they can’t pretend that they don’t have info that they actually have. They run an onion service, and account recovery is made possible without a recovery contact.

They are not going to shut everythin’ down just for a few people

Although lavabit did…

You can’t compare Lavabit to Proton.

And you can’t compare urself to Edward Snowden.

I do not blame Proton for complying with a request - it is a completely expected action from a company. However, I would blame them for advertising that makes them seem safer than they are for people who don’t know better.

I would blame them for advertising that makes them seem safer than they are

What kind of advertising are you referring to exactly?

Lavabit did, back in the day.

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