• 1 Post
Joined 2M ago
Cake day: Apr 24, 2024

  • I actually never heard of Lutris before, could you please provide me some links, etc. so I can get into it?

  • I don’t really know what you mean by “other means”, let’s say Hogwarts Legacy for example. How could I acquire it otherwise, besides buying it for a console?

  • Alright.

It simple depends on your needs.

I personally use Signal, I donated to Signal, and even if it’s not perfect, I think it’s a great project.

I also have SimpleX installed for “anonymous” conversations with strangers.

And that’s it.

I think what you really need is threat modeling. It seems like you’re currently trying to protect yourself against anything and everything. That’s not necessarily wrong, but it stresses you out and overwhelms you. And it’s ultimately not really beneficial either. I suggest reading the guide from PrivacyGuides.org and other resources. Ente and Proton also recently wrote a blog post about it.

Are there any guides, tutorials or similar on how to use Steam more privately?
I'm at a point where I'd like to play certain games, but I dislike that they're exclusively available on consoles and Steam for Desktop. Steam's Privacy Policy and Terms of Service raise concerns about my personal security and privacy. I'm looking for advice on how to improve my privacy while using Steam. Thank you in advance! (I will use Steam on Linux)

In Germany there are laws in place which forbid filming or taking pictures of others without their consent. It’s called the “Right to your own picture”. There are exceptions, for example when you take a picture of a famous building with hundreds of people in front of it.

I think you haven’t understood the difference between privacy, and total anonymity, do you?

Same. Everything depends on your needs, believes and preferences. Even in terms of privacy and security, there is not on solution for everyone.

Even if Firefox fanboys and Brave lovers and these few Pale moon users… try to tell xou otherwise.

My advice to you is to do research on your own and find smth which fits best for u and ur threat model.

TL;DR: There is nothing like that. Anyone claiming something else is basically lying to u.

Especially when it comes to privacy and security.

You can’t compare Lavabit to Proton.

And you can’t compare urself to Edward Snowden.

I think it’s not the services fault that people aren’t aware of the limits of encrypted services. They are not going to shut everythin’ down just for a few people, if you need smth anonymous Proton is not for you.

Also, it’s your task to have good opsec. If you give your iCloud email to Proton which has personal information sticked to it, your fault.

Oh okay, never heard of this since it’s very unsual to give static IPs to people, especially since IPv4 adresses are very limited in their amount.

Both are good, depending on your personal preferences one could fit your work flow better than the other. In terms of privacy I did not recognize any difference.

It won’t make any difference. It actually could potentially make you more fingerprintable, since your IP adress is no longer shared with many other people depending on the VPN you’re using, etc.

At the end of the day, VPNs are not necessary to be not tracked, since your IP adress changes regulary, but it can be helpful in some scenario’s and it’s not harmful either, aslong your provider is not a bad actor.

To be fair, Vivaldi selects the worst options by default and when you’re not careful and just click continue, it will choose them.