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Because this website is an echo chamber that hates big corporations and think the holy grail is to avoid having an online footprint by not using big apps, thus achieving “privacy”.

In reality they’re a minority of about 100:1.

Because this website is an echo chamber

that hates big corporations

Your own implication is that being an enlightened free thinker is to stan for big corporations, for free, that don’t care if you live or die.

You’re fucking pathetic and I feel sorry for you. pathetic

That’s not the implication at all and the fact that you even think that just shows how fucking dumb you are. The weeb shit is just the cherry on top lmao

UlyssesT [he/him]

That’s not the implication at all

It is, even if you say “nuh uh.”

You’ve come, voluntarily and unsolicited, to stan for corpos that don’t care if you live or die.

The weeb shit is just the cherry on top

Using an emoji is weeb shit? Okay boomer. grillman


Ending with that doesn’t hide your impotent rage.

Noted weeb UlyssesT who loves shonen manga and jpop, everybody knows him

Shhhhhh! Don’t give away the game.

The bootlicker’s ignorance is producing such amazing takes. I want to keep this bootlicker going as long as possible.

Why does a corporation’s opinion of you mean anything? Why do you care if they care? You choose to use their products. Nothing is free, and if you don’t like them earning money by showing you ads, don’t use their products.

Why does a corporation’s opinion of you mean anything?

Because they don’t need your simpering sycophantic posting here. They got legal teams and lots of political protections.

Why do you care if they care?

Because they’re making society and the world worse entirely for profit and they’re also conditioning ignorant people like you to stan for them.

You choose to use their products.

In general, not as much as you think and when I have no choice to do so, that isn’t a choice, is it?

Nothing is free, and if you don’t like them earning money by showing you ads, don’t use their products.

You are a laughably pathetic bootlicker if you’re sinking to those thoughtless platitudes.

Pollution happens whether or not an individual buys into the product. Erosions of personal legal protections happen when the lobbyists encroach a little more. “Vote with your wallet” does absolutely nothing at a societal level but I think you’re too willfully sycophantic to understand that.

Because they’re making society and the world worse entirely for profit and they’re also conditioning ignorant people like you to stan for them.

Yes. But not via Whatsapp, that’s all. It’s probably the least bad app they own

That wasn’t the bootlicker’s argument. The full context of what he was arguing was “businesses doing whatever they want to make money is good actually and voting with your wallet is all you’re allowed to do no matter how systemic and societal consequences harm you.” galaxy-brain


big corporations are hated for a reason



you said it like it’s a bad thing

No, and I’m not siding with them, but selling ads and anonymous information you agreed to share doesn’t automatically make them evil

Found the bootlicker. How does it taste?

Yeah disagreeing with a tiny army of lemmings is bootlicking, makes sense

disagreeing with a tiny army of lemmings

You think you’re standing against a both-too-weak-and-too-strong army of conformists by… stanning for corpos that don’t care if you live or die.

That’s sad.

You care too much about their regard for your well-being. Of course they don’t give a shit. Why would they? It’s business.


that doesn’t justify them exploiting people

You care too much

You care a whole lot about performatively not caring. Contrarianism for its own sake is juvenile.

Of course they don’t give a shit. Why would they? It’s business.

“Hurting people for profit is cool and the best system should reward more of that!”

You are incredibly fucking ignorant and pathetic.

LARPing as your corporate masters by admiring their ideology won’t elevate you.

Licking that boot won’t earn you the privilege of wearing it. bootlicker

Hurting people for profit? Who are they hurting? It’s a free market, and it’s your choice to use their products or not. Just stop fucking whining about it all the time.

You’re a corporate slave only if you choose to be. This isn’t some 1984 dystopia as you try to make it out to be.

Start worrying about real issues. You’re a free person and I believe in you :)

You seem to care a lot about not caring. You keep posting. That apathy is looking as hollow as your ideology.

Hurting people for profit?

Yes. If you weren’t ignorant, you’d understand that “it’s just business, businesses exist to turn a profit” and implying that’s a good thing and the best possible system means lots of extra pollution, safety corners cut, and sometimes even bloody coups for the sake of additional profits in far corners of the world or outright slavery in impoverished nations. Again, all for profit. That hurts people. You’re that dense.

Just stop fucking whining about it all the time.

Stop whining about people calling out an obvious reality that you don’t like.

You’re a corporate slave only if you choose to be.

People around the world don’t have that choice, especially when toxic waste is dumped where they live or when their governments are destabilized and replaced with puppets representing corporate interests to further loot their lands.

This isn’t some 1984 dystopia as you try to make it out to be.

Of course that’s your only frame of reference. Because you’re ignorant.

You’re a free person and I believe in you :)

Your concern trolling attempt, smiley and all, makes you sound like the juvenile contrarian that you are.

Now you’re talking about the real issues I mentioned. I’m glad to have awakened your sense of justice, and hope you stop crying about optional internet cookies.

You instantly resort to name-calling and personal insults while calling me juvenile, like a true keyboard warrior, so I think we’re done here.

You might wanna scope the username. Lol


For me the main reason to avoid that stuff is Zuck’s a dick and I don’t appreciate how facebook lets people spread incitement to genocide.

It’s kind of like avoiding Nestle. Just more chill for your soul.

Fair enough. BTW that’s the first and only coherent response I’ve read yet

Sure, but most of the people on here have no clue what they’re talking about and think using a VPN gives you pRiVaCy, or that not using Facebook somehow is sticking it to the man

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