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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 08, 2023


No, and I’m not siding with them, but selling ads and anonymous information you agreed to share doesn’t automatically make them evil

Now you’re talking about the real issues I mentioned. I’m glad to have awakened your sense of justice, and hope you stop crying about optional internet cookies.

You instantly resort to name-calling and personal insults while calling me juvenile, like a true keyboard warrior, so I think we’re done here.

Hurting people for profit? Who are they hurting? It’s a free market, and it’s your choice to use their products or not. Just stop fucking whining about it all the time.

You’re a corporate slave only if you choose to be. This isn’t some 1984 dystopia as you try to make it out to be.

Start worrying about real issues. You’re a free person and I believe in you :)

You care too much about their regard for your well-being. Of course they don’t give a shit. Why would they? It’s business.

Why does a corporation’s opinion of you mean anything? Why do you care if they care? You choose to use their products. Nothing is free, and if you don’t like them earning money by showing you ads, don’t use their products.

Sure, but most of the people on here have no clue what they’re talking about and think using a VPN gives you pRiVaCy, or that not using Facebook somehow is sticking it to the man

Yeah disagreeing with a tiny army of lemmings is bootlicking, makes sense

That’s not the implication at all and the fact that you even think that just shows how fucking dumb you are. The weeb shit is just the cherry on top lmao

Because this website is an echo chamber that hates big corporations and think the holy grail is to avoid having an online footprint by not using big apps, thus achieving “privacy”.

In reality they’re a minority of about 100:1.

Do you have any reason to believe this other than “corporations bad”?

Wrong about what? I’m stating facts and you’re crying about being forced to use products by big companies, which is entirely incorrect.

You are right, it’s very simple. Traffic will go wherever is shortest by default, because that’s just how networking works on your pc. Shut off the shortest path (or every other path) and it’s forced through your VPN connection.

There are plenty of options for running Android distributions free of Google influence.

My point is that nothing is free. You can’t have it both ways.

That’s not what I’m saying, but these people choose to upload their content to YouTube specifically, so what’s your point?

So don’t buy a fucking iPhone or a Google Pixel or whatever, it’s your choice.

Google controls 90% of the internet

Google doesn’t control shit, and you’re referring to the web, not the internet. Nobody forces you to use YouTube, Maps or their search engine. The websites you visit choose to incorporate Google analytics and ads, which you can easily block if you feel enslaved in that sense.

I’m no Google fan, but it’s borderline impossible to moderate a site of that size. It’s a legal nightmare that cannot be solved by just humans. Read some articles about the human moderators of sites like YouTube and Facebook. Those people see some shit.

But yes, YouTube should definitely improve their escalation system, and pay more attention to refuted strikes. It sucks to see innocent creators get punished by a broken system.

Enthusiasts who want to earn money off the platform, yes.

It’s not trying to piss you off, it’s trying to make money, as it should. Do you have any idea how much money it costs to run the infrastructure behind YouTube? Neither do I, because it’s unfathomable.

I pay for YouTube Premium along with 5 friends. It’s $5 per month per person. Beats any streaming service by miles.

I do, however pirate all my movies (except for the occasional cinema visit) and TV shows.

It amazes me how entitled these Internet hippies are nowadays. You can’t expect someone to provide such a huge service for free. If you don’t like ads, pay for it. It’s like $5 per month when you pay as a group…

Yeah, they should provide thousands of gigiabits of video streaming to everyone for free. It’s our right!

I wonder how many phones are still vulnerable to Pegasus exploits. Scary that it almost everyone has been vulnerable at some point.