Sos Sosowski (
Attached: 1 image So, Microsoft is silently installing Copilot onto Windows Server 2022 systems and this is a disaster. How can you push a tool that siphons data to a third party onto a security-critical system? What privileges does it have upon install? Who thought this is a good idea? And most importantly, who needs this? #infosec #security #openai #microsoft #windowsserver #copilot


That is fucked.

I’m already starting to transition to full Linux on my devices with the arrival of Windows 11 and Windows 10 reaching end of life in October next year. I never thought I’d see the day of this happening.



I doubt it. Regular folks are ignorant about those issues and what the technology involved implies. AI sounds cool until you realize every single action you take on your computer, every single word you say, everything you look at, is collected and sent to some machine which does god knows what with it.

That plus the ads. The fucking ads. I’m so god damn tl saturated of seeing ads everywhere. But apparently most folks have grown some kind of immunity to it??

My highly non-technical SO cursed Microsoft when they pushed that shit into her computer. She didn’t need to understand what AI means, it took space on her task bar and showed useless notifications. Making her annoyed by the space taken, disturb her focus and slow her computer.

She is stuck on Windows due to a tool she is dependent upon. Already asked me to install Linux on her computer once she have a replacement that will work on Linux.

tl;dr: non technical people are too pissed at MS.

Nah you’re not alone. I’ve despised ads in any form since I can remember. It should be forbidden to hijack my brain with manipulative intrusion. For me marketeers are the lowest and most worthless beings in existence. Humanity could really do better than this crap.


Some ads I really enjoy though. They’re not ALL bad. But it’s the quantity and how they’ve just become omnipresent. Especially with these god damn smart phones. Constantly trying to get our attention.

oh god, win10’s dying next year?

i really need to transition the rest of my shit to Linux soon

win10’s dying next year?

Windows 10 reaches End of Support on October 14, 2025, unless you opt for the paid Extended Security Updates (ESU) program (prices not released, that I saw), which some businesses with “legacy” apps do.

Microsoft has been telegraphing these moves for years now tbh.

That doesn’t make it right.

And not everyone can dump Windows for Linux. We run a lot of software that requires Windows. Changing is impractical if not impossible.

Depending on what your doing there are alternatives or you could run it in a VM

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There’s basically nothing categorical that can’t run on Linux…

From a desktop standpoint, I agree. From a business server infrastructure standpoint, I disagree completely. We run tons of software that doesn’t run on Linux. Maybe there are alternatives, but there are other aspects in play (integrations with other services, vendor pricing, etc).

It’s not just desktops that people worry about.

And that’s why any proprietary lock-in is the devil.


Never said it was right, why would you think that?

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