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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


idk, never worried about it but my main computer doesn’t have it so I just passively use that for important things

cameras aren’t really about resolution or detail these days though

have you tried it? it “works” but isn’t usable rn imo

I know keepassxc works with Android, Linux and windows with syncthing, but idk if it works with Apple

the problem with threat models is that it changes over time, and your current info that’s being saved on the internet will be subject to that future more advanced threat model

don’t fight capitalist platforms with things they can match with money (advertising, cost, etc)

fight them with things they can’t control, like kind/intelligent communities

no i mean downscaling and quantising before taking the hash to be able to reliably get the same hash for images that have been compressed, downscaled, had individual pixels edited, etc

idk, but from my testing pure html and css seem to work pretty well. it’s just js that ladybird seems to have issues with

I agree, though I tried out Servo and Ladybird yesterday, and Ladybird seems much more complete although Servo was much more performant. Maybe Servo is more complete in the background, but Ladybird seems more complete from my eyes as a naive outsider.

I’m very doubtful that educating general users will work, unless they’re being educated by people they really trust like family members. whatever they’re educated on will be wiped off by companies like google running a giant advertisement campaign or some subconscious annoyance that makes free software projects seem bad (things like what yt is doing with adblocking and stuttering)

interesting idea, I guess maybe we just think like that in selfishness? (idk if selfish is the right word here) if someone was to become the lead dev of a project like this and they were extremely hateful of my culture in particular or something, i’d prolly not want that guy to be the lead dev, but if they’re not doing any harm i guess that’s just my selfishness wanting them to reflect my views so my views get more recognised in society through the platform that they’ve earned? (though that’d be quite justified)

overall though if that person wasn’t causing actual harm, just publicly having that view there’s no harm done and it’d be the most resource efficient to just let that person be. i’d probably complain but that’s probably because we evolved to prioritise our own interests above that of society as a whole.

though we all live in democracies and developers of foss projects shouldn’t have to be where we gain our political voice, but I guess we just aren’t there yet.

I like that Firefox exists and I use it and its forks but I really doubt that the aging gecko engine could be made competitive with chromium anytime soon enough to claw back market share to stop google doing shit like web environment integrity. Mozilla stopped work on Servo and they’re also kinda sus in terms of how they seem to be fine with receiving funding from google.

That’s true and I’d probably not use the software myself if the dev was someone known for stealing credentials or something, but honestly I don’t really see how someone viewing the use of “they” over “he” as political propaganda could affect the browser they’re making negatively in a substantial way.

I guess you could say that there is a possibility that he’s saying that out of homophobia and when ladybird becomes as influential as google they could do some homophobic things? I really doubt that’d be allowed by governments though

What you are really saying here is that you to some degree don’t disagree with Kling

ok lmao ctrl f my history for “they”

They implied you shouldn’t use the project based on the author’s opinions.

that’s what i said??

Boycotting the software doesn’t infringe on the author’s rights to have a shitty opinion.

how am i saying this? i’m saying that the guy is shortsighted for telling people to boycott the software just bc of the dev’s opinions

i’m not arguing about the arbitary rights of authors, i’m just saying that boycotting isn’t an efficient use of resources

Poor behavior can be corrected.

It can only be corrected if the person actually starts believing that the “correct” idea is actually correct. That’s way harder than for them to simply pretend like they believe the “correct” idea, which they’ll obviously do first. Isn’t that a waste of time?

have fun with google spyware ig when they finally do something like web environment integrity

i don’t get why sane people would rather a person with good opinions over a free independent web browser, the latter just seems so much more valuable to me.

Firefox and chromium are open source. You can just remove mozilla and google telemetry during compile, or disable in the settings.

no you can’t if the entire web runs on a whitelist system that requires the google telemetry, like what google is trying to do with shit like web integrity. you need a sizeable independent browser so that google isn’t 70% of the market share like it is now. obvs you can’t trust apple to do this because safari is a piece of shit and people only use it because it’s the only option, and they’d obviously follow google if it meant more profit. mozilla might do something about it, but their funding is pretty sus.

i understand ladybird isn’t good for privacy at the moment, but we’re gonna really need it for privacy in the future

I see your argument and I agree, but I just believe that with these talented/intelligent/passionate (valuable imo) people it’s better to dedicate their limited valuable time to things they exceed at, not time for them to “correct” their sometimes ignorant opinions. We can ignore their ignorance, we can’t replace their value.

When getting people to “correct” their opinions, my opinion is that they’re far more likely to learn to mask their opinions, having to be constantly conscious of how others will respond to what they’re saying and reducing their work throughput in the process.

fingerprinting won’t be useful if every browser has google telemetry

isn’t that what they implied?

I’m fine with solumbran seeing the dev’s opinions as “wrong”, I just find how they base their whole view of the project on that single small disagreement makes them seem like a shortsighted dumbass

yeah but does that affect the browser development process significantly?

there are people with differing views in this world and you need to accept that if you want to actually achieve things

I’m not saying i agree with him bc I don’t, but I wouldn’t base my opinion on the project on the small grievance i have with one dev’s opinions.

oh yeah also js isn’t very usable yet so that improves privacy

people can have different views. you might not like them but it’s their views, not yours

What makes this related to privacy and not instead just open source.

because it’s not affected by google’s anti-privacy decisions?

you can’t convince companies that are profit driven. They follow whatever is the best decision for profit, which is clearly not letting you delete your account because they would’ve done that earlier if it led to profit. This assumes full efficiency on the side of the company but if they are large enough, that means that they are efficient enough to beat the competition already.

normal people just call internet speeds wifi speeds though

there’s no harm in clarifying

librewolf is cool but I think it’s too privacy optimised for the average user, it often doesn’t keep you signed into sites (even with cookies enabled) and the ocsp things can be annoying sometimes

didn’t know about this, I’ll definitely try it out