Former landed gentry.

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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Sep 12, 2023


We can debate all we want but clearly it’s enough of a hurdle that the Indian government tried to block Proton’s services entirely. Legal standards and what we consider “logical conclusions” aren’t always the same thing either so I imagine that’s where a lot of the nuance lies here. Without knowing exactly what happened I don’t think either of us can really parse this beyond what we now know about the Indian government’s efforts to block Proton’s services.

They basically can’t see/display any of the contents of your emails/calendars/etc. is the super short answer.

No enterprise is going to want to deal with that and realistically they’re the only ones with the pockets to fight that battle.

Microsoft has been telegraphing these moves for years now tbh.

It’s a frustrated tweet not a hard hitting piece of journalism. Why is everyone here scrutinizing this so much? Do people hate VLC now or something?

An unacceptable option is not an option. This is like saying somebody has access to multiple Internet providers when one ISP is so slow as to be nearly unusable, but it technically exists and you can technically pay for it. That’s not really what we mean by “choice.”

Your response is so typical and frustrating to be honest. It’s flippant nonsense where you know what we are talking about but you don’t want to agree so you hide behind lazy responses like the one you wrote.

Name a company that gives security updates to 15 year old tablets.

I wish they did, but this is hardly just an Apple problem. The only reason I bring this up is because people very quickly dunk on Apple without thinking about the fact that we need more access to all of our hardware in order to increase the longevity for those who want to.

Frankly I find iPads work longer on average than most other tablets. Purely anecdotal though.

The other elephant in the room is that most people don’t want to use 15 yr old tablets. I know I don’t want to edit video on 15 yr old desktops, even though they were perfectly capable of editing 15 years ago. But not current videos. Just like 15 year old tablets will not be able to readily stream or display a lot of modern content correctly.

I wonder why they aren’t allowed to just rant a bit

Not that I know of no. For instance, to activate their navigation, you need to buy a $200 SD card. You can’t do anything remotely AFAIK with this car. Even “apps” for listening require them to be installed on your phone so it’s not doing it on its own, it’s using your phone and app and data to make it happen. Without your smartphone it the “infotainment” center is just an info center with FM/AM radio.

I don’t think any of that stuff started until the Mazda Connect app or whatever it’s called. A decade ago (my car is like 8 years old now) a lot of cars were in the “blackberry” phase where it’s not really browsing the internet and everyone was sort of testing new stuff. Now car manufacturers have a lot more sense of how valuable all that data is and they’ve “figured it out,” much to our collective chagrin.

I’m not entirely sure what you’re saying tbh.

Anyway I don’t use their GPS and I don’t let it sync contacts or other info. I Bluetooth and run music off the phone locally or my Plex server. It’s from 2016 so I’m fairly certain it doesn’t have the same data back and forth you’re seeing in more current cars. I know it doesn’t collect audio, driving patterns, etc. which is what these new systems are all doing with wild TOS’s you have to agree to, as Mozilla showed us a few months ago.

The dumb infotainment center or whatever has been spotty so I’ve actually been using the aux more lately.

Point is whatever data it’s collecting and sending, which I’m not even entirely sure is happening in any meaningful way especially the way I use it, is not really at the same level we are seeing today.

Later model 3 but definitely lower-tech (has the touchscreen nonsense but no internet or anything) and I plan on running it as long as possible lol

I don’t think it’s steep at all given what you’re getting and you don’t need to run it forever. Additionally, all the private competitors in the space are terrible and many are all but technically scams that make the problem worse while also charging similarly.

Of all the reasons to choose a browser “somebody on the Internet disagreed with me and pointed out a time sink/distraction of my own making” has to be the most utterly bizarre I’ve heard yet. I’m glad it’s working out for you though. If you’ve accidentally stumbled upon a good solution, then great.

Choosing a daily browser out of spite as they remove a privacy feature is mighty perplexing, but hey, you sure showed me.

Take your meds, dude.

It’s 2024 you should know this is a terrible thing to say to people.

I can assure you I am not in any way impacted by your decision to use or not use Brave

Yeah, so committed to privacy that he built it on chromium

You are spending more time than anybody discussing this. The person wrote one short comment and here you are going back and forth still. If you want to talk about the removed feature then talk about the removed feature! Nobody stopping you my dude

Are you seriously complaining about different comment threads within a post? That is literally how this works. Anybody who wants to talk about the feature is welcome to. You are not restricted to one thread at a time.

Be real, you just don’t like the critique of brave.

Then you can not act on it and those of us who care about such things can. Does that bother you?

Step 1: drop gmail

Step 2: get proton mail and activate simple login or use one of the alias slots they give you (or both!). Enjoy.

Optional step 3: Use Firefox relay on top if you really want to go wild but I find this gets folks turned around when layered on top as well. Great for burner/1-time use emails though.b

HDMI port + your computer/some sort of more reputable 3rd party device. Just don’t play ball lol

Doesn’t help with YouTube, has to be constantly updated, requires more tech know-how than the average person, unfortunately. Most people don’t feel comfortable digging around in their modem settings.

We need more consumer protections. The floor is too low.

It’s a remote dude there are some boundaries. Not everything cheap or free needs to become a billboard. This isn’t Idiocracy despite how much people like to parrot that “it’s a documentary.”

Also, it wasn’t free. They bought a tv and remote. They spent money.

Most people literally have no idea what you just wrote. I’m not saying jellyfish isn’t the superior option, I’m saying it’s less accessible. I really don’t know how you can dispute that.

Jellyfin is such a PITA to set up for those that aren’t more technically inclined.

This makes as much sense as telling somebody to delete all of the contents on their failing hard drive before transferring them to a new one

I’m not 100% but I am close. Off gdrive, off gcal, off chrome, almost entirely off gmail. I’ll check out the maps!

Is the app itself ready for prime time yet? Can I use it daily? I live in a small but major city.

A lot of (all?) email services will allow you to forward your mail from Gmail. My advice would be set that up, have all of them going to a specific folder, and only use your new email moving forward. No harm in allowing some email forwarding while you adjust for the next 6 to 12 months. But that way you can also immediately stop using Gmail itself.

Gdrive unless it is really baked into your daily life in a complicated way, it’s pretty easy to replace. Lots of great services out there.

Proton mail allowed me to export my Google Calendar over with just a few clicks. So that was pretty painless. I’m sure there are other calendar services like that. YMMV.

Google maps is tough lol

Yeah the “just asking questions” and “isn’t it convenient…” stuff never sits well with me

Best decision I ever made. Weeks later I realized how much better life was without that trash. Totally impacted by demeanor

So far I’ve avoided being too dependent on things like iCloud. I have like 50gb to maintain contacts/messages/etc. the lowest plan possible. No photos or other media. I am on macOS still because I work in film and while I have been making the move to Linux, it’s hard to move my entire work life over

I am also on a 13 pro max and have been going back-and-forth about leaving the Apple ecosystem. So you don’t really like the pixel so far?

Let me put it another way. This is how the current discourse goes:

“That article is biased therefore we should throw it out.”

What it should be instead is accounting for the bias, acknowledging it, and using it to contextualize the contents. It’s classic throwing baby out with the bath water. Except it’s incredibly deliberate and based on a moral imperative that does not make sense.