StatCounter reported that desktop Linux reached over 4% market share for the first time. I've used Linux for years. Here's why I think it's finally catching on with more people.

Check out Onlyoffice. Just the client (not the server part)

WAY better

I would also consider using WPS Office. Unfortunately WPS Office is not Open Source. I had issues with OnlyOffice being unstable. I am still not sure how to self host OnlyOffice cloud either.


You don’t have to host only office to use the client. As others noted, it doesn’t do anything to combat non open standards, but it does work.

Ohh… Ok… I will give it a go

Onlyoffice by default perpetuates the problem of using microsoft ooxml standards instead of opendocument ones. We have to set opendocument as the de facto standard.

Yeah it’s crazy to me that proprietary standers exists at all but they’re everywhere

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